When You're the Best of Friends, 20/?

Jul 16, 2012 02:54

Title: When You’re the Best of Friends
Chapter Title: Shall We Dance?
Author: xLessxThanx3x
Rating: PG-13 
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Kurt Hummel, Noah Puckerman, Blaine Anderson, Mercedes Jones, Finn Hudson, Burt Hummel, Carole Hudson, Santana Lopez, Mike Chang, Artie Abrams, the rest of ND Current Pairings: Barole, Pucktana (sorta)
Warnings: AU, "strong language"
Spoilers: Nothing past "Furt"
Disclaimer: I do not own Glee nor any songs mentioned
Author Notes: Part of a series. I just suck at updating, my apologies. It's chapter 20 but listed as 22 on ff.net because of two interludes.
Summary: AU. Puck and Kurt hold hands, cuddle, know each other’s biggest secrets, and make the other a priority…but they’re not dating, they’ve just been best friends for years. Multi-chapter. Eventual Puckurt. Based off a Puckurt meme prompt. 
(Chapter Summary: Puck finally gets to meet this Blaine kid face to face, but all hatred of him is forgotten as Burt and Carole finally get married and Kurt's bully situation gets worse and worse. Rewrite of "The Substitute" and "Furt".)
Word Count: 7,025

After changing from his jumpsuit to a more respectable outfit of jeans and a T-shirt while in his car, Puck walked into Breadstix. He tried to keep a smile on his face, but he really wasn't looking forward to what he was there to do.

"Good evening, sir, how many will be dining tonight?" the hostess asked with an overly bright smile.

"Um, my friend already got our group a table," Puck muttered, looking around until he spotted Kurt next to some guy with overgelled hair and Mercedes sitting across from them looking very unwilling to be there. He nodded to the hostess and headed up to his "group", feeling very much like Mercedes looked.

Kurt looked up with bright eyes when Puck got to the table. "Noah!" he exclaimed, getting up and giving Puck a quick hug which made Puck smile in spite of himself. Keeping one arm along his back, Kurt turned back to the table and gestured to the other guy. "Noah, this is Blaine; Blaine, this is Noah," he introduced with his most sparkling, charming smile.

Blaine reached a hand out for a shake and Puck leaned in after a second and put his hand in his, squeezing a bit tighter than necessary. Blaine just kept grinning and said, "Nice to meet you, Noah."

"Call me Puck," he corrected immediately.

"He's silly about his name," Kurt added, sitting down.

Mercedes moved towards the other end of the booth so Puck could sit next to her. He raised an eyebrow as he sat down and countered with, "You changed your middle name."

"I don't make people call me that, though."

"Yeah, but Puck is a badass name."

"Noah is a nice name."

"Exactly. Nice but not badass."

"I guess it beats you trying to be the Pucker Man."

"We were six and I was a superhero-"

"How long have you two known each other?" Blaine finally interjected feeling completely out of the loop as Mercedes watched in amusement, her first smile of the night.

The two blinked in surprise at being interrupted. "We used to live next to each other," Puck finally started.

"My family moved in right next door and I didn't get along too well with the other play dates my mom had made," Kurt continued, the story so familiar it was if they had their own lines to recite.

"He came over when we were three and, I don't know, it went from there," Puck shrugged, grabbing the glass of Coke they had gotten him for a sip.

"Noah moved when we were nine or so but we just stayed connected…for the most part," Kurt finished, smiling at Noah and then turning back to Blaine.

"Oh…okay. That's really cool, that you two are still so close and everything. I'm barely even close to my own brother let alone any friends I had before Dalton," Blaine said with a small nod.

"Yeah, well…" Puck turned to Kurt, "I would've been here sooner but the traffic was really bad. Hate dealing with it, especially after community service where I'm actually cleaning up the roads, even if it's for Juvie." Puck was disappointed that Blaine didn't seem shocked by the revelation of what he was doing before he got there but he said nothing as Kurt told him it was okay he was late.

Silence permeated for a short while until Kurt pulled his mouth off of his Diet Coke and asked, "Okay, okay, so, who's read Patti LuPone's new book?" Puck rolled his eyes in time with Mercedes as Kurt and Blaine got in a discussion about the diva. Suddenly he was wishing he was back on the highway picking up trash.

"When Kurt talks, do you sometimes just hear, 'gay, gay, gay, gay, gay'?" Mercedes asked in a whisper as Blaine and Kurt moved onto talking about Megan Hilty.

Puck's Coke nearly shot out of his nose.


"Hey," Puck said absent mindedly, not even looking at Kurt as he pulled one of his books out of Kurt's locker. The benefit of sharing locker space for the classes that were closer to the other's locker was one of the very sweet deals of being friends with Kurt again (well, when you got past the having his best friend back and feeling like he actually belonged again stuff). He rolled his eyes at his ridiculous picture and word collage of Blaine but didn't insult it even though he was tempted to do so every time. The guy was a lot like Kurt, yeah, very gay and all of that, but he was also an idiot, a jerk, and had no reason to be in Kurt's locker. Puck would just have to get even and put up some pictures of half naked chicks in his or something.

His plans on which chicks would go in his locker were interrupted when he saw the look on Kurt's face. Woah. That look did not belong on his face; a look of sheer terror on his pale skin made Puck want to run out and punch whatever monster under Kurt's bed had caused it or kill the spider that had snuck up on him. And that showed the last time he saw Kurt so terrified.

"Kurt?" he asked quietly. Kurt jolted out of his reverie and looked over at Puck, forcing a small smile. "What's wrong?"

Kurt shook his head, "Nothing, just…thinking."

"Kurt…" Puck started, not wanting to deal with a bullshit lie.

"Puck," Kurt said in a heavy tone. "I do not want to talk about it," he said in a quiet forcefulness but with a quiver of fear running through it, "Let's just get back to Glee, okay? Schue's supposed to be back."

Puck watched him for a few more moments, wanting so desperately to know what had shaken Kurt so much, but he knew when Kurt was like this he wouldn't talk about it. Just like he wouldn't talk about Mama Kate being sick for so long or how he wouldn't talk about his sexuality for a while even after he had come out to him. He just needed time to process things by himself before he could talk to Puck about it and Puck had accepted that. Sorta.

Without a word, Puck offered Kurt his hand and closed the locker with another. Kurt gave him a small smile of gratitude before they set off down the hallway.


"What is that hat?" Puck asked Kurt. It wasn't very loud but Kurt still jumped at his locker. "Sorry," Puck mumbled, mentally kicking himself for sneaking up on his friend who had been getting more and more jumpy. He was sure it had something to do with Karofsky and the kiss but Kurt had refused to talk about Karofsky since then, nothing past telling Puck not to kill or punch him. He tried to be near Kurt all time so he wouldn't get hurt (even if Kurt hated the idea of being taken care of), but sometimes he just had to be in another place.

"No, it's fine, I just didn't expect you," Kurt said, mentally kicking himself as well for different reasons. It had been a week or so since the death threat and Karofsky's bullying had increased whenever Puck wasn't there but he didn't need to have a panic attack just because someone was talking to him. He closed his locker with a smile and leaned against it casually, "It's a great hat, that's what it is."

"I'm not denying that," Puck said, "But it's not your usual style, that's all."

Before Kurt could comment back, he heard a voice calling out his and Noah's name. He turned around and frowned; his dad and Carole were at school. "Oh no, what's wrong? What happened?" Kurt asked quickly, his mind jumping to the worst possible scenario.

"Nothing, nothing," Burt insisted, "Just tell us where Finn's locker is."

Kurt started pointing in the general direction but then his dad locked an arm around one of his and Carole locked an arm around Puck's who instinctively did the same to Kurt. "Okay…I guess I'll show you," he said slowly. They four headed over as Kurt looked at the two parents with a confused smile and Puck furrowed his brow. The adults, however, looked at each other with a contagious excitement.

When they reached the locker, Finn turned to them looking a bit upset that Puck was linked up with his mom. Carole and Burt let go (while Kurt and Puck relaxed to a handhold, which was much more their style) and Finn relaxed enough to ask, "What's up? Is this one of those interventions…?"

"If it is, it's for the three of us," Kurt said, "They bombarded me and Noah and brought us here." The energy that Burt and Carole gave out made Kurt perk up a bit, looking between the two of them like a kitten being teased with a toy on a string by its owner as the two argued over who was going to tell them whatever the big surprise was.

Finally Burt agreed to start. "Okay, so you know how I drive Carole to work every Tuesday? Well, today I drove here," Burt said, moving over to Carole. Kurt eyed him knowingly, pretty sure he knew what was coming but unable to believe it while Puck and Finn remained equally clueless. "We went to the room where Kurt introduced us-very romantic of me, I might add-and I-"

"He proposed!" Carole finished. Kurt smiled and looked at Puck (who was looking at the couple in shocked happiness) and Finn (who looked a bit less than thrilled) before turning back to his dad and soon-to-be-stepmom.

Kurt let go of Puck's hand and grabbed Carole's left hand, cooing, "Oh, Dad!" It was a simple but gorgeous ring, gold and quite beautiful with Carole's skin tone. And he picked it without his son's help; Kurt was so proud!

"We wanted you to be the first to know," Carole said, giving Puck a special look to know he was included.

"Yeah, after the kids in that homeroom," Burt added. "Come on, family hug-don't you dare back out of here, Noah, you're a part of this family, too!" The five of them scrunched up into one big hug, Puck and Finn right next to each other, making Finn even more obviously uncomfortable to the whole situation.

"I'm so excited. And nervous," Carole started and Kurt immediately interrupted.

"Don't be! Oh, this is just what I needed! I'll take care of it from here." Kurt insisted, glossing over why he needed a pick-me-up. "I have a trunk full of wedding magazines under my bed."

"It's true," Puck said quickly.

Kurt went right back into his speech, "I'm thinking a russet and cognac theme."

At Finn's confused look, Puck said, "They're colors."

"Fall wedding colors!" Kurt added with a rushed excitement.

"Nothing too extravagant, Kurt," Burt warned with a smile. "Whatever savings we have we're spending on the honeymoon." At Carole's stunned look he smiled proudly, "Yeah, that's right, we're going to Waikiki and staying in the hotel where they put up the guest stars on Lost!" Kurt and Carole looked equally as happy about the news even though Kurt knew he wasn't going.

Carole looked over at her son in concern. "Finn? You haven't said anything…"

"I guess I'm just kind of…stunned."

"Don't worry, buddy," Burt said. "I'm already looking at bigger houses, one where everyone can have their own room." Kurt looked awkwardly and Noah quickly grabbed his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"Come on, Finn. Be happy for me," Carole pleaded.

"…I…I am," Finn said, finally smiling ever so slightly, causing Kurt to smile again with Carole.

"Okay, okay, Kurt, as wedding planner, you have one job," Kurt looked at his father enthusiastically as he continued, "I want you to hire a rockin' band. I've been eating right and I've been exercising and I want to boogie with Carole at this wedding. And I will boogie." He gave an example of one of his moves and Noah laughed quietly along with Carole's louder giggle.

"It's already done. I will hire the New Directions as your band-it won't cost you a cent! They're cheap, they're available…" Kurt said and Finn nodded in agreement. "Long story short," he said with a clap of his hands, "You're having a Glee wedding!"


Puck had been extremely concerned with how Kurt had been acting but as soon as the wedding was announced, he was so involved with wedding plans he was, like, glowing. It really did seem that the wedding was just what he needed. He didn't even have to worry about approaching him at his locker anymore and freaking him out.

"That's why we feed them glitter, Finn," Kurt said with a slight amount of condescension.

"Who, Brittany?" Puck asked, draping an arm around Kurt's shoulders.

"The doves," Kurt explained with a roll of his eyes.

"Oh, you mean like the 200 birds you wanna release? Sounds messy," Puck said.

"That's what I said-"

"Enough!" Kurt said, holding out one of his hands for silence. "Look, I've been planning weddings since I was two-my power rangers traded partners more than Fleetwood Mac-"

"It's true," Puck agreed.

"And I know what will work and what won't," Kurt continued, giving Puck a small glare for interrupting. He turned back to Finn, "Now you said you wanted to do something special for your mom? Well, after you give her away to my dad-"

"Creepy," Finn said at the same time as Noah, causing them to give a right on face to each other much to Kurt's annoyance.

"After you give her away, at the reception, you two can have a special mother/son dance," Kurt finished with a bright smile.

"Dude, no way, everyone knows I'm the worst dancer."

Puck shrugged, "It would look kind of badass if you pulled it off."

"Noah knows badassery," Kurt offered, smiling in victory.

"I guess you're right," Finn said, smiling. "Yeah, I'll do that. Thanks, Kurt…Puck." He looked down awkwardly at his pigeon toed feet for a moment and then looked up at Puck, "…Puck, you coming to English?"

Puck raised his eyebrows; Finn hadn't addressed him in such friendly terms for quite some time. Kurt looked down to hide a smile and Puck unwrapped his arm from around Kurt's shoulders, "Sure, dude."

Kurt smiled as he watched his two boys walk off. There was hope of peace for those two. But as soon as he closed his locker with the wedding topper in his hand, he realized peace just wasn't ready for him yet. Not while Karofsky had a say.


"Has Kurt told you anything about Karofsky?"

Puck looked Santana up and down with a neutral face as he leaned against his locker, "I didn't think you cared about him."

"Look, I don't, it's just…all the girls were talking about getting their boyfriends to do something to attack Karofsky and they said that you couldn't because you're in Juvie and I think the reason you aren't back in Juvie is because you know it's not a big deal or something," Santana said quickly, crossing her arms over her chest. "Not that we're dating or whatever…"

He stared at her for a long time, unsure how to respond to her question-still a bit unsure what she was even asking. "I know some stuff," he said simply, "And I am doing stuff. I send Karofsky the death glare, but, more importantly, I'm there for Kurt to turn to. And I think it makes me badass to be able to be there past punching a guy in the face. Even though I want to punch the asshole in the face."

Santana made a sour face and rolled her eyes, "Whatever, Homo." She turned around and started to leave but then looked back over her shoulder with a softer look, "Just…keep him safe," and turned back around to leave again.


"Stop picking on Kurt," Artie said in a low voice. Puck looked up and over at them from where he was changing and groaned softly. The confrontation had to be right then and there when he'd be tempted to join?

"You mind? I'm changing," Karofsky said and Puck had to resist the urge to attack him for speaking to his friends like that.

"We're serious!" Mike yelled, slamming his locker door.

"From now on, you leave him alone," Artie continued.

"If he wants to be a homo, fine, but he can't rub it in my face." As he moved behind Mike and Artie, Puck clenched his fists and tried to take the deep breaths they taught him about at Juvie for his anger issues (like his were anything compared to the other guys, ugh). 1, 2, 3, 4, 5…

"Yeah, we're done talking about this. Just back off," Mike said loudly, getting into Karofsky's face. 6, 7, 8…

"No, you back off!" he yelled back, pushing Mike into Artie's wheelchair.

Fuck that shit. Puck made a move to launch himself at Karofsky but Artie managed to grab a hold of his wrist despite being on the ground. "Juvie, remember?" Artie said quietly as Sam attacked Karofsky. Puck looked down at him with a tense jaw but nodded.


"The dude was a wild animal!" Mike exclaimed.

"A manimal," Artie agreed.

"You have no idea how hard it was for me to not join in on that beat down," Puck lamented with a slight pout.

"It's true; Mike had to hold onto his other arm to stop him from attacking Karofsky. If Coach hadn't come in a second later we would've lost our grip on him," Artie said, Mike nodding behind him. Kurt tried to give a small smile to his best friend but he couldn't really force one on.

As nice as it was for everyone to care about him, Kurt was uncomfortable with all of the attention surrounding his bullying. It didn't help that they felt the need to resort to violence of course, but it was worse that he just felt like one of those porcelain dolls that shared his last name; cute and pretty but not worth much and very fragile.

But when Santana asked Finn where he was and he had to explain that he was on the field, like it was a bad thing that he wasn't physically assaulting a guy, Kurt started to get exasperated. Then Mercedes added, "It doesn't matter where you were; since Puck can't do it, you should've led the charge," and Kurt finally spoke up.

"Lay off of Finn, it's not his problem," Kurt said, surprised at how fragile his own voice sounded. "It's none of your problems, actually…but thank you for what you did. Especially Sam," he finished, still not showing a hint of a smile, even as Puck wrapped an arm around his shoulders. Kurt stayed stiff in Puck's arms, avoiding Mr. Schue's eyes as he checked in on him.

He was humiliated.


"Thank you both for attending the Kurt Hummel Wedding Dance Seminar," Kurt said with the biggest smile he had put on for weeks as he talked to Finn and his father in the choir room. He was in his element with three of the most important men in his life; he could handle that.

"Wait, why just us two? Isn't Puck here for a lesson?" Finn asked.

Kurt looked over at Noah and shook his head, "Noah here is the proof that the Kurt Hummel Wedding Dance Seminar-trademark pending-actually works."

Puck looked up from Kurt's phone (he was playing Angry Birds) with wide eyes. "I just heard my name."

"Just smile and nod, honey," Kurt said which caused Burt to smirk (both at the nickname and how quickly Puck followed directions). "Good."

Kurt looked over at his dad and continued, "Dad, you have to pull off the first dance with Carole, and if Uncle Andy's 40th birthday party was any indication…you have a lot of work."

"What are you talking about? My moves were great! It was the damn sangria…" Puck chuckled, remembering the humiliated texts Kurt sent him during the occasion. Kurt rolled his eyes and marched over to his father and grabbed his hand.

"We dance to the beat, not the words-"

"I have coordination, the sangria knocked it off-"

"I know, Dad," Kurt said, pulling Burt out of the chair. He turned his dad towards him and quickly moved his hands to the right position, accepting the "girl" part of the dance. "Now have you guys chosen a wedding song?"

"You mean you're actually letting them choose something?" Puck asked with a laugh.

"Didn't I tell you to just smile and nod?" Kurt snapped with a turn of his head over his shoulder. Puck just laughed some more and Kurt turned back to his dad with a smile, "Song?"

"We're thinking either 'Stairway' or some Bublé," Burt answered. Kurt made a face but at least the song would be easy to dance to, nothing tricky. He cued up Brad and started instructing him on how to move.

"Okay, opposite of me, and the guy leads, so you lead around…see, you got it; simple, right?" Kurt smiled before letting go, wondering if that was how his dad felt letting go of him so he could ride his bike without his training wheels for the first time.

Thankfully, his dad didn't fall, though, and continued dancing with himself. "Look, I'm doing it! I'm dancing!" Burt exclaimed. "And, hey, no chickening out, Finn, I did it!"

"I did it, too, dude," Puck said, putting down Kurt's phone on the piano and bowing in front of Kurt, "Shall we?"

"I need to teach Finn-"

"C'mon, they could use a model," Puck said, offering his hand like he was some guy from Pride and Prejudice or another old movie Kurt loved.

"…I guess an example could help," Kurt agreed, "Watch us to see how it looks." As Burt stopped spinning himself around, Kurt smiled and took Puck's hand, letting Puck pull him in. Their bodies were pressed closer than Kurt's had been with his dad's, much closer, the space between them barely visible. Puck put his hand on Kurt's hip and Kurt snorted and switched so his hand was on Puck's, "I'm leading this dance, Puckerman."

He easily started the dance and led Puck around the room, Puck's feet following Kurt's without having to look at anything but his eyes. "You should be able to connect well enough that you don't have to stare at your feet-the dance is easy enough that you won't step on Carole's feet," Kurt explained, still looking into Puck's eyes.

"And even though I'm leading him and I'm 'in charge'," he continued, "It's an equal partnership. You have to complement each move or else it's not a complete dance." Puck smiled. He had to admit that he and Kurt had that part down; no one complemented each other as much as them. Maybe that's why Puck danced so well with him.

"And if you want to do a spin or dip," Kurt added with a devilish grin that made Puck's heart race a bit, "Your partner has to feel or see it coming." Kurt easily maneuvered Puck into a dip and then pulled him back up, their bodies even closer. "Or else your partner will be flat on their back and confused," Kurt finished, spinning Puck out and hitting a final pose.

Finn and Burt both applauded and Kurt took a large bow, still holding onto Puck's hand. Before he could let go he looked over his shoulder and saw Karofsky looking in on them. He waggled his wrist like an effeminate gay man and Puck tensed his hand around Kurt to an almost painful hold.

The whole atmosphere changed from light and happy to dark and dismal. "Who was that? What happened?" Burt asked.

"It's nothing, Dad-"

"It wasn't nothing, that guy was making fun of you." Kurt felt that humiliation wash over him again as yet another person found out about his bullying. "What's his name?"


"Tell him, Kurt," Finn said. Kurt looked at him with angry eyes.

"Tell him or I will," Puck added, staring down Kurt's glare with a steady look of his own.

Kurt just his jaw out forward but turned to his dad. "His name's David Karofsky. He's just been harassing me for a few weeks now."

"Harassing you how?"

"Just…shoving me and giving me a hard time." Kurt squeezed Puck's hand as a warning not to say anything else, but Puck was too busy glaring down Karofsky as he walked past the other choir room door to care.

"There's more. There's something else you're not telling me," Burt said.

And finally, finally, Kurt said what had been weighing him down, what he never even admitted to Noah. His dad could crack him every time.

"He threatened to kill me."

Burt didn't even say a word before racing out of the choir room. "You're kidding me," Finn said before his instincts made him chase after Burt. But Kurt was too concerned with trying to hold Puck back.

"Puck you are not going back to Juvie-"

"He doesn't get to threaten you like that, Kurt, he-what was that?"

Both boys looked at each other and then raced out to find the source of the thud; Burt had pinned Karofsky to a wall. Puck and Finn tried to pull Burt off of the guy with no luck but Kurt stepped forward and used the best defense against his dad's anger.

"Please, Dad, you're sick," Kurt said softly, gently pulling at his dad's arm.

Burt finally caved and Karofsky walked away more than a bit freaked out. "So what have you been doing, huh?" Burt asked Finn and Noah with a yell once Dave was away.

"Dad-" But he couldn't say anything more before his dad left. Once again, Kurt was just a Hummel figurine with nothing to add to his own cause.


"So you didn't know about the threat?" Finn asked quietly. He and Puck were sitting alone in the choir room, just a chair in between them. Even though the fight had happened the day before, the two were still very shaken.

Puck shook his head before putting his hands on the back of his neck and leaning forward onto his elbows. "No," he whispered for emphasis. "If I did, I'd probably be back in Juvie…God, I just wish I could do something."

"But you're, you know, there for him, at least," Finn said. "I wasn't."

"I know, and I'm glad I can help him that way…but I just want to punch that dick in the face. I'm good at that," Puck said with a sigh.

"Yeah. I just wish I could help in some way. I suck at that," Finn stated before drifting off into silence again. He really wanted to do something to prove that he cared about Kurt and that he wanted to help his almost stepbrother. Something big that Kurt would like and something he could do to show their parents that he was really a part of the family. Because it had taken a drastic measure, but he realized how much he really did care for Kurt and how much he needed him there. What if Kurt never told anyone about Karofsky and the guy went through his threat? The thought made Finn's hair stand on end.

Then a light bulb lit up over Finn's head. It was simple and overdone in their little group, but it could work. Well, if Puck approved of it. "Do you think Kurt would be okay if…if I sang a song for him? At the wedding?"

Puck raised an eyebrow, "He's kind of digging that Blaine guy now, bro."

"Not like that," Finn said. "Like…if I just show him how I'm sorry for judging him and…well, you know how I was last year…and now. I just want to make it up to him."

"Are you kidding? Of course Kurt would love that," Puck responded immediately. "You sure you want to do it at the wedding?"

"…Yeah. I need to show him I'll support him in public and stuff."

Puck gave a firm nod and pulled out his phone, "Let's get the others in here."

After several texts and a few phone calls, the New Directions (minus Kurt) were in the choir room. "What did you call us here for, Finnessa?" Santana asked, "I don't want to miss out on my free period for no good reason."

Puck gave Finn an encouraging nod and Finn stood up in front of his choir. "Look, I know I haven't always been there for Kurt-"

"That's an understatement," Mercedes mumbled.

"But I'm trying to fix that," Finn continued. "And, I don't know, I'd just like to show him that I'm here for him and that, well, we're all here for him. With a song." The room remained silent and Finn gave Puck a desperate look.

"Okay, the point is, it took all of you guys 'till Kurt was at a breaking point for you guys to notice he was in trouble," Puck started, standing up next to Finn. "And I'm sure the whole school knows about the threat now and none of us knew that…not even me." He cleared his throat and continued on, "So we've all slipped up on our duties as being a friend. You can't judge Finn for that because no matter how close you are to Kurt, no one has been a perfect friend to him. And, plus, have you seen what Kurt has done this past week? He's put this wedding together all by himself, no questions asked. He's altered dresses, he's picked ties, he's planned out flowers and gotten a space and everything. I think he could use a song in his honor from all of us."

The room was silent for a little while longer. Finally Tina asked, "What song do you want to do?"

Finn visibly relaxed. "I figured since we're already doing Bruno Mars, we could take out the romantic parts of 'Just the Way You Are'. I'd, uh, like to sing it to my mom, too. Since it's her wedding and all."

Rachel beamed at her boyfriend and sprang up, "I'll get the sheet music!" Santana rolled her eyes at her peppiness but got up as Brittany and Mike started leading the choir in warm up stretches.

"You want to do any solo or something, dude?" Finn asked Puck as he struggled through the simple movements.

"Nah, it's cool," Puck said, stretching up at his own tempo. "I tell him that sort of thing all the time; he doesn't need to hear it from me. It's all you, buddy."


Kurt knew it sounded conceited, but he was so proud o how the wedding was turning out with all his work. Mr. Schue's choreography mixed with his outfit and song picks plus the flowers and the decorations in the church? Magical. But the thing that made him cry was just seeing how happy his dad and Carole were. His parents were. What had started as a really stupid attempt at getting closer to a crush actually brought good to the world and he couldn't have been happier.

Originally he was going to write the vows, but somewhere between the meeting that got Karofsky expelled and collapsing in relief and exhaustion for about sixteen hours he agreed that they could write their own vows. So when the officiator told them to start saying them, Kurt waited with bated breath, sending a quick smile in Puck's direction.

"I'm not really known for having a way with words…" Burt started. "But you know, when you're a kid, adults will tell you a lot of things. But one thing they neglect to mention is how sad life can be. I lost someone I loved very much, but Kurt…he lost his mom," Kurt froze and bit on his lips, "And that killed me. You know, we got by, but, looking back, I want to apologize to you, Kurt. How we were living just…wasn't living.

"And while I'm apologizing for that, I need to say thank you to someone else," Burt went on. He turned a bit further and looked right at Puck. "Noah Puckerman. You were always there for Kurt when I couldn't be. You kept a bridge between the two of us, got us to talk on Friday Night Dinners, you were always there for Kurt. And without you and your mom and your sister, I don't know where my son would be right now. If it were possible to have a third best man up here, you know it would be you without a doubt, 'cause you've done stupid things, I've had two sons since you guys were three."

Puck nodded and furrowed his brows together. He wasn't going to tear up, not in front of all those people he didn't know and his choir and especially not Santana. Badasses didn't cry at weddings. Even when their best friend was.

Burt continued on by turning to Carole. "You know that saying that when God closes a door he opens a window? Well, sometimes out of nowhere, he'll do you one better and he'll kick a whole wall down. He grabbed me by the shoulders and he pointed me towards this woman right here and He said, 'There she is. Go get her.'" The room all laughed so he paused before going on, "You're everything, Carole. Words can't describe you; you're everything. And I will love you until the day I die."

He nodded to acknowledge he was finished and Carole took a deep breath, her eyes misty. "Okay…I'm lucky. Most women, when they get married, they get one man. I get two. One of you saved me from my wardrobe," she looked at Kurt, "And one of you just saved me," she sent a smile at Burt, holding his hands.

She turned back to her stepson, "Kurt, you are an amazing person. I'm not only getting a son; I'm getting a friend." She looked over at Puck and kept smiling, "And I still don't know you very well, Noah or Puck or Puckerman or whatever I'm supposed to call you," the kids all laughed at that and Puck hung his head sheepishly, "But I can't wait to get to know you. Despite what your past is, we have a clean slate…I guess I'm really getting three men, aren't I?"

The congregation laughed again and Carole turned to her son. "Finn, I know you were resistant at first, but I am so proud of you. I've watched you grow into a man. But I think I'm most proud of how you've become a brother to Kurt." Finn's face blanched for a moment and Kurt was afraid he was going to resist, but whatever it was disappeared and Finn was smiling as he held hands with his mom. Carole held onto one of Burt's hands and Burt grabbed one of Kurt's. "We are becoming a family."

Okay, badasses were totally allowed to tear up, right?


Finn put down his mic and told Kurt, "And you're going to dance it with me, dude." Kurt immediately shook his head but Finn just went into his position with the guys and ignored Kurt's refusal as Kurt started to smile.

"Oh, her eyes, her eyes make the stars look like they're not shining. Her hair, her hair falls perfectly without her trying," Finn sang, looking over at his mom and Rachel, "She's so beautiful and I tell her everyday."

He joined the girls' side and sort of danced with them and kept singing, aiming it more at Kurt, "Oh you know, you know, you know I'd never ask you to change. If perfect's what you're searching for than just stay the same. So don't even bother asking if you look okay, you know I'll say…"

Finn gestured at Kurt to get up and Kurt did so with happy reluctance. "When I see your face there's not a thing that I would change, 'cause you're amazing just the way you are," Finn sang as the Gleeks formed a circle. Rachel pretended to be going to Finn's outstretched arms but then pushed a very surprised Kurt into the center of the circle at the last minute. Finn didn't even hesitate to put his hands in the right places and lead Kurt in a dance like he had tried to teach him. "And when you smile the whole world stops and stares for a while. 'Cause you're amazing just the way you are." Kurt couldn't stop grinning. He wasn't getting some romantic feel off of it even with the romantic aspect of the song; he just finally felt like Finn really wanted to be his brother and really trusted him and was willing to be there for him, just like his speech said. He felt like Finn appreciated their differences instead of hating them like he had the spring before. His whole choir loved his differences, it wasn't like Kurt was just an annoyingly flamboyant gay that they dealt with because they had to. He really did have eleven friends in that group. And when Finn pulled him into a hug, he was positively beaming.

The chorus went on and they brought their parents out, Kurt dancing with his dad and Finn sort of dancing with his mom (getting him to dance like he had with Kurt just once was more than enough for one night.). Then the newlyweds danced together, all the couples danced together, Sara was jamming with some boy around her age, Mae was watching her while she simultaneously danced with a guy…the whole floor was just flooded with people dancing.

After a few moments with Mercedes, Kurt felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around and Puck asked Mercedes, "May I cut in?"

"Of course. Besides I have my eye on someone over there," Mercedes replied, making her away across the dance floor with a huge grin on her lips.

"Mind if I lead this time?" Puck asked, "'Cause I'm going to."

"I guess I have to see how well my teaching worked on my first pupil," Kurt said with a nod, taking Puck's hand primly and letting him pull him in close.

Puck easily led them around the dance floor to the new song the band started playing. "Not bad, right?" Puck asked.

"Eh, acceptable, I guess," Kurt teased.

"Oh, just acceptable?" he teased back. With a subtle body change, he dropped Kurt down for a dip causing Kurt to laugh. "Is that a bit more than acceptable now?"

"Fine, fine, just pull me back up," Kurt laughed from his position. Puck grinned and pulled him up, their bodies squished together, a bit too close for their hands to really stay in the positions they were supposed to be in. But Kurt just snuggled into Kurt's chest and smiled. "Thank you."

"Mmm, for what?" Puck asked, slowly swaying them to the beat.

"Do I really have to list everything?"

"C'mon, it's good for my ego."

Kurt snorted but complied. "You didn't pressure me to tell you anything, you were there for me even though you'd have rather punched his face in, and you helped repair your own friendship with Finn. Not to mention I'm sure you had something to do with the song. And, of course, for all the years of friendship they kept bringing up."

"You're welcome," Puck said simply. "Though I don't know what friendship they're talking about, I barely like you."

"Yeah, me neither. Ew, you're gross!"


Puck felt a sense of dread. Kurt was asking to do something before being told about a solo for a competition AKA what he had wanted since day one in Glee club? His eyes were slightly red around the edges, too, and he was holding his messenger bag in that insecure way he did. But Karofsky was expelled, what was wrong?

"First, I wanted to thank you all for what you did at my dad's wedding, especially Finn," Kurt said, sparing Finn a small smile. "It's nice to know I have great friends here as well as a true brother…which is why it's so hard for me to leave."

Puck's stomach dropped. No.

"What do you mean 'leave'?" Quinn asked.

He just misunderstood Kurt, that's all.

"I'm transferring to Dalton Academy. Immediately. My parents are using the money they saved up for their honeymoon on the tuition," Kurt explained.

It wasn't happening.

"Kurt, you can't leave," Tina pleaded.


"What the hell, dude, how about you talk with me about this first?" Finn asked, obviously betrayed by being left out of the decision.

It was just a bad joke.

"I'm sorry, Finn, but there's nothing to talk about. Karofsky's coming back tomorrow so that means I won't be." Kurt was avoiding Puck's eyes.

There was no way Karofsky was allowed in McKinley anymore.

"We could protect you," Sam insisted.

Puck just kept staring at Kurt.

"Seriously, we could form a perimeter around you like the secret service," Mike agreed.

Kurt still wasn't looking back.

"The only thing that can really protect me is what they have at Dalton: a zero tolerance, no bullying policy. It's enforced," Kurt said, looking at Mr. Schue.

Why? He had a secret service at McKinley.

"Does this mean that you're going to be competing against us at sectionals?"

Puck found himself standing without telling his legs to do so.

"Kurt…" he said slowly, his voice hoarse and low.

Kurt finally looked him in the eye and Puck wished he hadn't. "I'm sorry," Kurt whispered, "I have to go."

The rest of the group watched as Kurt left and Puck was standing up helplessly. Kurt was the one leading the dance. Kurt threw him for a dip without a warning and left Puck flat on his ass and confused.


fanfiction, puckurt, rated: pg-13, story: wytbof, author: xlessxthanx3x

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