When planning our trip to Brazil we figured out that it may be the only chance to put our foot on the continent so there was no chance not to see the Amazon Jungle. About half of hour funds went to book a stay inside the forest but I can’t really complain as it were one of the best 4 days in my whole life. Still most of the pictures we took are on the yet undeveloped films and those underneath are just a tiny fraction of the beauty we have witnessed. Same goes for the following photos from Rio de Janeiro but I hope you will enjoy them anyway.
Crucial point called the meeting of the waters were two rivers: Rio Solimoes and Rio Negro flow next to each other without mixing and keeping their separate colour, chemical base and even temperature.
The trip from Manaus where we flew from Salvador to our lodge in the jungle took about 3 hours using speedboat, this dirty van and speedboat again.
That was our “hotel”.
inside Indian’s house
Endangered species we have seen in a park before flying out from Manaus.
The couch from Sao Paulo to Rio was more comfortable than the plane.
This pic’s for John McKaig, an entry to a nude beach:-)