awesome weekend number 3209u432709423

Nov 26, 2006 17:38

cool ass weekend ive just had.
friday, did the usual, went to scruffys. Jodie, Sarah R and Kerrie all came down which was cool. Jay was there and cause we were gonna leave before 12, he paid for our taxi so we could stay longer! Haha, was wicked, and he bought me a socoke (southern comfort and coke)
We started talking to this really beefy guy and he was a right laugh, then Sarah came along and did something to piss him off aparently, i didnt see it and says she didnt do anything, but he came up to me and started pushing me away with his head about 3 times! yelling at me "don't ever let her do that again!"
And I was like, yooo what the fuck I dont need this. He then turned round and pushed sarah! So we just left.
Got back to sarahs and we started on the beers there and just fell asleep.

Saturday I didn't plan on doing anything but it was Caz's bday celebrations so we all went to Jimmy Spices up town. Best homemade curry ive ever tasted. Fuckin amazing. After we went down the AMC (well the 18 year olds did) and we got fuckin hammered.
All together I think i had about 8 pints, 5 shots of tequila and 4 shots of sambuca. The last sambuca I had i went straight to the toilet and threw it back up haha. I was fine after it but it just knocked my tits off.
We got a taxi back and sarah had phoned me up and said i could crash there so I did.
I dont remember going to bed but I woke up with a killer headache haha.
Was a brilliant night though.
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