bring it

Dec 02, 2006 12:52

last night was pretty sweet.
Met the peeps at 5.30, we went down scruffys and had a couple of beers, got to the college and chilled with the other guys. HBad another couple of beers from the bar and watched the other acts. Iron Mayhem are amazing.

We were the 2nd act in the 2nd half, they stuck the smoke machine on and I couldnt see shit haha. At one point I went up to the monitor to put my foot on but couldnt see it so i didnt cause if i missed it i wouldve fell off the stage haha.
It went pretty well, Jake screwed up at one point but we sorted it.
After I went down scruffys and saw a few people, only had a pint there and then went to Ramshackle to meet the college people and had a wicked time. £1.50 a pint? yes please, even if it is watered down hehe.

Pulled this extremely fit bird, she looked like Kate Moss but with black/brown hair , was pretty random, she just started dancing with me., her name was Sara.
Had to stop a fight aswell, 2 asian guys kicking off, mustve been about 6 guys (including me) trying to separate them.

Overall fuckin wicked night.
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