Characters:Roderich Edelstein and OPEN
Location:Dorm Room B60
Time:After classes, before dinner
Content:Roderich is bored and maybe possibly a little homesick. So what does he do?
Play the violin of course. Feel free to poke, prod, say hello and point out any mistakes your character may hear.
Format:OP will be third, feel free to answer either way
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He really didn't mind the violin playing. It was better than the two obnoxious roommates who weren't actually there. Those former students had left some serious echoes in this room.
He turned his attention back to the book, frowning at a particularly difficult passage. Ugh.
It was possible that his roommate's studies might overlap at some point with his.
"That's incredible. It's like you're your own accompanist."
He didn't doubt Roderich's abilities with the violin since the Italian did periodically practice in their room. Jeremie severely doubted he'd use his abilities to show off if he had only his roommate for an audience.
"What are your abilities then?" he asked setting the violin down in it's case and leaning against the wall. He had seen the other boy studying quite a bit, but even looking (not in a prying way of course) at his schoolbooks wasn't really enough to tell him what his ability was.
The twitchy smile turned nervous. "It's...uh...'memory immersion'. Sometimes if I'm in a room or touch someone or something, I pick up on memories associated to whatever the trigger was. I can direct it to a certain extent, but when it triggers itself, it tends not to go well."
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