Success! Linzer Cookies at Last!

Feb 20, 2011 17:43

I finally made those freaking cookies and they look decent! ;w;

Since Valentine’s Day there’s been a chunk of wrapped up Linzer cookie dough in my fridge that I’d failed to make in time to give as Valentine’s Day treats.. (They took forever to make and I had to study for a big test that Sunday) orz

I made a few of them along with raspberry thumbprint cookies for that bake sale, but there was still a bit of dough left. So, I decided to make some today since I didn’t want to throw away all that freaking hard work the dough.  Furthermore, I bring you pictures! ^-^ I think they came out nicely. At least they look pretty (hehe just kidding they taste good too).

nom nom nommmm

Hungry yet?

You've got the munchies now, admit it.
lol I'm kidding xD

If anyone wants this recipe just comment and I’ll post it with the Raspberry thumbprint cookie recipe. Although I warn you, these cookies require a significant amount of time and effort.. OTL

Anyway, my allergies/sinus/whatever the heck it is has been acting up lately and I’ve felt pretty sick. I feel better than I did on Friday though so that’s good I guess.

Yesterday I went on Netflix and about spit my tea all over the keyboard (I’ve been drinking a lot of tea.. being sick and all). Finding something you actually want to watch on the instant play is quite rare but lo and behold they had the entire first season of Downton Abbey- the uncut UK version to boot. I did a happy dance, for real. Especially since PBS was taking the episodes off their website Monday. What the hell am I talking about now? Well, it’s a ‘British Costume Drama’ centering around a wealthy family who have, at the beginning of the show (a few years before the start of WWI), just lost their two immediate heirs to their estate (in the Titanic). The rest of the story focuses on their situation of finding another heir to the estate and also on a few sub story lines of the staff members (maids, footmen, kitchen staff). I might be making it sound really boring but I swear it’s not to me at least. If you’re a fan of Pride and Prejudice, that kind of stuff you’ll like it :)

Meh, okay, so I’m looking forward to Wednesday. It’s an early release day (they give us way to many in my county) and my history teacher is staying after school and showing a movie on the Russian Revolution. Sounds interesting enough, plus she’s giving extra credit (which is rare) if you stay the entire time (3 hour movie OTL). Also, she’s having a little drawing and the winner gets an AP study book (free 8D). I’m not a very lucky person but I think it’s worth a shot. Those books are around $30 and I’ve been meaning to get one. Apparently it will help me study for my exam better… and since I’ll be taking my first AP exam in May; I definitely want to be ready for it. My friend is staying with me and she already bought a book so… I’ll just make her put her name in the drawing for my sake hehe.. <3 *crosses fingers*

WOW long post! Have a great week everyone!


happy dancing moments, baking, rambles, my obsessions, school

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