Ohhh mahh gawshh I WON :'D

Feb 23, 2011 20:36

My friend Megan is my new good luck charm lol. She won the raffle that I was talking about in my last post! So I got an AP study book for free YESSSS saved over thirty dollars there :'D
Now I shall succeed and score awesomely on my exam in May.

That's pretty much it. I mean seriously that made my week <3
The movie on the Russian Revolution was okay. Of course it was pretty depressing.. watching the Romanovs get shot to pieces was rather gory but at least I was expecting it. There was some pretty bad acting though I have to admit xD but the nice scenery made up for it I think.

It was pretty insane though.. I mean I guess the extra credit appealed to a lot of people because as soon as school was over there was a mass of students gathered around my history teacher's door lmao. It was like a black friday sale or something.
The things people do for extra credit XD
I totally ran there, and cut in front of people, but I bare no shame in doing so :P. I barely made it in..  since she only allowed a certain number of people to stay. This guy kept taking my candy too >.<
Yea, I totally brought movie watching candy with me.
Okay my nerdy ramble is over now.
How's everyones week going?

happy dancing moments, dorkiness, rambles, unexpected awesomness, school

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