WHY did I put my address on that?

Feb 15, 2011 18:36

I put my address on the PSAT (annoying standardized test) so that I'd get a few college letters right?
Well I'm totally getting spammed lol.
I swear the stack of letters is getting bigger and bigger by the day. Not to mention my mom's email is also getting completely spammed with college emails.. (she was so mad that I put her email instead of mine lol).
The funny thing is half of them are colleges I've never even heard of.
I suppose I'll just keep collecting them for the sake of saying 'wow look how many college letters I got'. xD

Did this happen to any of you?

This is the collection over the course of only two weeks >.<

It's pretty weird. I do like getting things in the mail though.

Anyway, tomorrow I have to go on a baking spree and bake a few dozen cookies for a bake sale on thursday. I'll get community service for it too! The bake sale is raising money for a cancer walk. I need the service hours anyway.
(I probably never mentioned it before but in IB, if you don't have a certain amount of community service hours (50 for the first two years) by a specific deadline (sometime in april OTL) then they kick you out lol.
I hate myself for being such a procrastinator.
I choose to make some raspberry thumbprint cookies since everyone seemed to like them when I've brought them to school in the past. They're yummy and easy to make (if anyone wants the recipe comment and I'll post it :3)

Eh, that's about it for today.
That test I was freaking out about yesterday ended up being easier than I thought it would be. Hopefully I don't jinx myself here orz.

Hope everyone is having a good week so far!

baking, rambles, school

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