Happy Valentines Day to all

Feb 14, 2011 19:16

This is mainly a post for those new friends from the Hetalia friending meme!
I don't have an intro post because.. well maybe I'll make one later

I should be studying now OTL

Anyway! Welcome new people.. this is my journal.
Here you will find: my dorkiness, rambles and rants about life, random stuff, my art (someday... gah I don't have time for anything *cries*), a few recipes, and some fangirl spazzing.
Here's a bit of background on me real quick.
I live in Florida. To be honest I slightly hate it. The weather is never consistent and hurricanes suck. The beaches are okay. The theme parks are overpriced. Enough about that though lol.
I'm in highschool still. Although it doesn't feel like it very much. I'm in this magnent program called International Baccalaureate (IB). Basically, you work your ass off, get more college credits, and don't have a life never sleep. Apparently there are programs inschools around the world. The nice thing is I get a more worldly perspective on things and study broader topics. I'm okay with it only because I'm hoping for a scholarship (to a good school). Anyway, if you hear me ranting about schoolwork, it's because I'm always stressed out with it lol.
I love art, always have, and because of my weird IB schedual, I get to take two years of visual arts starting next semester. I'm really excited about it to say the least.
I love music.. I could go on but I won't haha.
I also like baking, so I sometimes post some good recipes that I come across.
Hetalia is my main fandom on lj.. I lurk.

Anyway, enough about my background.
I hope everyone had a good Valentines Day :)
I have mixed feeling about the holiday to be honest. Sometimes I like it and think it's pretty cute, while at other times I criticize it for being too cheesy and commercial. At any rate, I still got some yummy chocolates, so it's all good. Although, the whole day I was frantically studying for this big history test and stressing the hell out. lol

I'm done for now!
Happy Valentines <3

holidays, random, my background

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