Mar 09, 2005 00:15
Well I'm updating my journal here at ashley's house....I spent the night over here because I just had to get out of my house because my dad is driving me crazy. I know now that I dont need him and I dont love him him...I consider him as a stranger, and not my father. He has pushed me around and hit me for the last time. This time if he does it again I'm leaving the house for good. Plus I'll be 17 in a month anyways and I can leave than. Work has been fun so far, me and ashley are waitressing now and we are getting payed good money for all the shit that we have been doing. I need more hours but I know if I take those hours I wont be able to talk to my baby as much and everyone knows how much that means to me right now.
My plan's this summer:
* I'm hopefully going to see my baby!
* Hanging with ashley
* Working
* Shopping
* The most out of everything.....MOVING IN WITH MY BABY!!!!! I cant wait. You watch everyone who said me and charles would never last well you see when you get a laugh right in your face when you see that me and him are married. Cuz I'm goin to marry him if you like it or not. He's my baby and alway's will no one can tell me different this time.
Well Life seem's like it isnt going to get much easier for me, cuz it seems like everytime I try to do the right thing it some how get's fucked up. I know I'm still goin to keep trying to do the right things because if I dont all I'm goin to do is fuck my life up ten times more than if I just do the right thing. I know that my decision's back than were dumb, not thought out and extremly not me. I was confused and everything just kept getting even more messed up. I blame it on my parents. If we would have never moved from st.clair my life would still be in place. Charles would still be okay and probably in michigan....oh yeah and he isnt coming back which makes me feel really sad inside. I just feel like I wanna cry all the time because I know that he somewhere and I'm here and I cant see him. I feel like I'm never going to see him again and than something's goin to go worng. Who know's maybe I'm just thinking to much it also just could be the time seeing how it is 1 in the morning and I have school tomorrow. That's okay..I'm up thinking about charles so it's not like I'm doing anything wrong.
This spring break really pisses me off knowing now that I cant go see my baby. What am I supposed to do for a week? I think I might work all the time every day because I sure know that I'm not going anywhere with that fag paul (The fucking person who made me) Anyways...they are going on vacation and if they make me go and I'm goin to have too I'm not going to be able to get a hold of my baby so I'm goin to get a new celly this week. Probably a next tel so this way he can reach me when ever he needs too. I dont know if he liked that idea so much...So I dont know I'll just wait it out and see if it's okay with him because my money is his money. Well I'm out and I'll update again soon.
♥ Crystal Jean
I love my baby Charles James Tollon!