Title: And Then the World Falls Fandom: Angel Characters: Spike/Illyria Prompt: it's the fall that's gonna kill you Word Count: 294 Rating: G Summary: “Kill him,” Illyria ordered. Notes: Written for brutti_ma_buoni based on the prompt here. 30/3/12.
Title: Still Here Standing Fandom: Angel/Dollhouse Characters: Spike, Whiskey, Fred/Illyria Word Count: 524 Rating: G Summary: Spike has an appointment Notes: Written on 30/08/09.
Title: As It Should Be Fandom: Angel Characters: Illyria/Fred/Wesley, Spike Prompt: Taking over the world Word Count: 290 Rating: G Summary: “It shall be mine again,” she says. “All of it. Mine.” Notes: Written for trialbymagic for the whedonland fic fest. 9/9/09.
Title: Death Should Have Meaning Fandom: Angel Characters: Fred/Wesley Prompt: Half life Word Count: 218 Rating: G Summary: It’s a half life that he lives now. Notes: Written for myloveshine. July 24. Tag to “A Hole In The World”.