Title: Killjoy Fandom: Dollhouse Characters: Adelle/Topher Prompt: K: Killjoy Word Count: 303 Rating: G Summary: “Topher. No. I’m sorry but we cannot have a cat crawling about in the Dollhouse.” Notes: Written for darkmagic_luvr. 19/09/09.
Title: All Along Fandom: Dollhouse Characters: Claire Prompt: #032 Abandoned Word Count: 214 Rating: G Summary: She feels abandoned. Left for dead. Notes: Written for 50ficlets. 16/1/11. Beta: ext_303080.
Title: Faith Fandom: BtVS/Dollhouse Characters: Echo Word Count: 295 Rating: G Summary: There's no way to properly escape the Dollhouse, but still, she does her best to get away. Notes: Written on 12/8/10. Beta: ext_303080.
Title: The Forgotten Ones Fandom: Dollhouse/Firefly/Supernatural Characters: River/Sam, Whiskey, Adelle Prompt: #001 Forgotten Word Count: 403 Rating: G Summary: “I won’t remember,” River says. “I don’t want not to remember.” Notes: Written for 10_hurt_comfort and force_oblique. 21/08/09.
Title: Leave Me, Leave No Man Fandom: Dollhouse Characters: Adelle, Echo, Paul Word Count: 124 Rating: G Summary: “We’re not leaving you,” Paul insisted. Notes: Written on 13/4/10.
Title: Innocence Away Fandom: Dollhouse Characters: Claire(Whiskey)/Topher Prompt: #003 Sweet Word Count: 195 Rating: G Summary: When he looks at her he sees an innocent girl - an innocent who he soon will program to do bad things for people as important and influential as he is skilled at his job. Notes: Written for 50ficlets. 28/08/09.
Title: Still Here Standing Fandom: Angel/Dollhouse Characters: Spike, Whiskey, Fred/Illyria Word Count: 524 Rating: G Summary: Spike has an appointment Notes: Written on 30/08/09.
Title: Existence Fandom: Dollhouse/Firefly Characters: Whiskey and River Prompt: W: Wires Word Count: 206 Rating: G Summary: The other girl has wires and tubing coming in and out of her skin. They are Notes: Written for willow_reece. 23/10/09.
Title: A Slave By Choice Fandom: Dollhouse Characters: Paul, Mellie Prompt: #002 Blessing Word Count: 281 Rating: G Summary: Paul wants to understand why. Notes: Written for 50ficlets. 28/08/09. Set between season 1 and 2.
Title: Nothing Special, Broken Fandom: Dollhouse Characters: Adelle, Topher Prompt: #024 Fingers Word Count: 168 Rating: PG Summary: He's different. Notes: Written for deludedvision and 50ficlets. July 18. Tag to Epitaph One.