It's the most wonderful time of the year

Nov 16, 2009 09:58

Name/LJ: memories_child

E-mail address: thewelshwitch[at]hotmail[dot]com

Presents: Well, I seem to be on a colonisation/post-col kick at the moment (blame amalnahurriyeh's Big Bang fic) so something to do with that would be amazing! Some sort of post-series/pre-IWTB exploration would be great, as would knowing just what happened to Mulder when he was abducted or what he did when he was on the run. AUs are great - so long as the characters are in character - but then I also love vignettes that are much more about character than plot. As far as highest ratings go - I'm happy with a PG or an NC-17. I'm also happy with meta (some of my favourite episodes include: War of The Coprophages, Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose, Bad Blood, All Things, Per Manum, Closure, Hollywood AD, Pusher, Monday, Arcadia, Sixth Extinction, Sixth Extinction: Amor Fati) or an illustration or two for one or two of my fics (all of which can be found on my Dreamwidth account as long as you're not logged in [if you're logged in you get all of my entries] or here, here and here on LJ). Alternatively, if someone wants to make a fanvid about Mulder dealing with Samantha's disappearance, a fanmix that Scully listened to when she was wondering if Mulder would come back or really cool icons involving CSM and witty phrases I'm happy with that too.

Presents, The Truth: I think I covered most of this in the last section, but I would love fic (honestly, I'd love anything I've mentioned, but fic is always awesome). If we're going for characters I'd love Mulder, Scully, CSM, Samantha, Diana Fowley, Teena Mulder, Bill Mulder and feel free to mix and match - all of them, one of them, a combination of them: I don't mind.

I would rather get CSM’s cigarette butts: Honestly, there's not really that much I don't want. Doggett/Reyes is probably the main one as S8 and S9 are the ones I've watched the least, but if it's done well and forms part of, say, a post-col fic I can live with it. I'm more into het than slash, but again if it's written well and forms part of the larger storyline then go for it.

Timeline: Any season, really. I'm not a fan of 8 and 9 as such, but there's a lot of room in there for Scully/Mulder angst, the build up to colonisation, what exactly Mulder did while he was on the run. Nah, any season will do.

What I can do: Fic-wise: anything! I've broken myself into writing porn, slash, femslash and mytharc since this time last year and will happily write anything (ok, my Doggett/Kryceck may not turn out that well but I can sure as hell write something about those two). I can do shippery fic, though it's mainly about the angst and the UST than the happy ever after. I'm not adverse to killing characters off, though how many people will want that I'm not sure. I can do sweet, apparently, but I'm sure it's not that often. I have a slight obsession with grown-up William in a post-col world, as well as young Mulder and young Samantha so any chance to write those I'll jump at. I like writing secondary characters and giving them a story. I could possibly do an XF/Bones, XF/Dr Who or XF/Torchwood crossover but I'd rather do those only if no one else can - I've never tried it before. AUs and mytharc I'm more than happy to do, however. Especially col or post-col; I seem to be on an invasion kick at the moment. In terms of other stuff, I can do meta, could probably do a fanmix, possibly a wallpaper or something, but fic is definitely what I'm best at..

What I absolutely CAN'T do: How this has changed since last year! I can't do vids, as much as I'd like to - I've never tried and don't fancy screwing up someone's Christmas present! I have made icons, but only a few and not in the XF fandom so I'd rather not make icons. Doggett/Reyes is a pairing I can't write because I don't know enough about the characters, and storylines based on single eps from S8 and 9 are probably a no go as well (not including MSR, col or post-col in this, obviously).

Are you able to be a back up: As much as I should probably say no, I'll be on Christmas break in uni which will give me two days a week extra. I can be a back up, and I'll happily write some teaser gifts too. I can also beta.

2009, * memories_child, 2009 wishlist

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