XF_Santa 2009 Wishlist Format

Nov 15, 2009 21:52

I was going to wait until 12:01am PDT, but I have to get up around 5am tomorrow and won't be near a computer until after 8am, PDT, so I figured I might as well do it now.

Please read everything carefully to ensure that you get what you're asking for. Once you've filled out your Wishlist, post it as a new post on xf_santa.


Please format them in the following way:

Name/LJ: So your gifter knows what to call you!

Tagging: If you know how, please tag your posts, it'll save us some work. Thanks.

E-mail address: If you prefer not to list it in public, please just shoot me an E-mail with your address and LJ username.

Presents! : Request as many things as you want. Keep in mind, the more stuff you list, the more likely you'll get something you want. Be as specific or as general as you'd like. Let us know if it’s MSR, gen, slash, angst, baby William, casefile, secondary character inner monologue, or whatever else that makes your holiday cheer flow. Please also indicate the highest rating you'd like to receive (PG/PG-13/R/NC-17, or Teen/Adult/Mature).

Please list several different scenarios to make sure we can match you up. If you only want one pairing or character, that’s fine, just make sure that you don’t just ask for Frohike babysitting drunk Mulder season one. There are so many potential times for Frohike to have looked after intoxicated friends.

Presents, The Truth : When making your requests, if you aren’t attached to just one format, please mention it. For example: I would love a vid with Scully doing autopsies OR some hot-up-against-the-wall-sex fic between Deep Throat and Marita. It will up the likelihood of you getting something you really want, as opposed to a bundt cake apology.

I would rather get CSM’s cigarette butts: Character death not your holiday joy? Slash makes you siggy when you’re spending quality time with the parents? Rum in the eggnog hookups gives you hangovers? Please let us know.

Timeline: Matching up specific episodes will be a bit hard, but hate season one? Let us know. Really like ‘Fight the Future’? Happy Hanukkah, have a bees-and-genetically-modified-corn-themed lj. Didn’t watch season the Mulderless seasons? Well, we’ll make sure you don’t get matched up with someone who wants to wants a Dogget/Skinner buddy vid.

What I can do: Wanna write? Just into graphics? Let us know. Like MSR or do you think Mulder and Krycek are the show’s OTP? Here would be the place to tell us if you can write slash, make a shipper vid, or design a swanky new Reyes/Pheobe lj layout.

What I absolutely CAN'T do: Pretty self-explanatory. If you can’t do graphics, tell us. Love to read NC-17, but can’t write it, please, tell us. Angst and Christmas doesn’t give you a warm fuzzy? TELL US! This is supposed to be fun, don’t get something to bring you down.

Are you able to be a back up? Please, let us know. Also, if you’re able to help with some teaser gifts for someone who had real life interfere with their online existence, and will be late in posting. Volunteer away, please.

If you have any questions, please post them as others might be wondering the same thing. If you're shy, email us at xf_santa AT gmail DOT com.


2009, ! mod time, sign-ups open

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