Aug 17, 2005 14:35
Off again today, which is nice, save for Oscar breaking my lightbulb in my lamp - again.
I am a happy camper. Went and bought some more Simpsons Comics books, as well as this interesting sounding book about the quest for Dracula called "The Historian" (think Da Vinci Code but you know, intelligent) and then I arrived home to find my order of Simpsons Season 6 and Kung Fu Hustle awaiting me.
I was going to start the season today, but it may have to wait till later tonight as I will be leaving in a few to go help Alyse and Will move out of their apartment. Ah, the joys of having a truck while all the puny humans have cars...mwhahaha! I just hope it doesn't rain :P
Everything else is going well...the previously mentioned female, nothing new on that front but I hope to get together with her soon. Of course, LJ land will be privy to all that info if/when it happens.
And I just realized I've been 23 for 4 months now. So happy quarter birthday to me!