Slightly tipsy...but ok :-D

Oct 02, 2006 22:36

Came back from a long Monday with my old roomie. It really doesn't feel like a Monday right now. We went to New York Central for some printmaking paper then to Friday's for some food and margaritas. It's good to be 21. I swear, just one drink makes me light-headed. I wish we could do that every week. It was a lot of fun even though I didn't do everything I wanted to. Apparently she's having some problems with her ex. I wish I had an ex to have problems with. I'm sure she'll be ok. This girl bought a shit-load of paper! I spent onlt $20 for a bunch of paper while this girl spent $97! She's crazy...but I love the gal. I wish we could be roomates for our last current one doesn't talk to me and is constantly on the phone till 3 in the morning. She hasn't come back from the break yet. Not like i'm complaining or anything...I hate the awkward silence in the room.
I think i'm going to start watching 6 feet under on looks interesting. Hopefully I can stay awake...g'night.
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