Mama this surely is a dream.

May 31, 2006 19:42

& there he was
like double cherry pie, yeah there he was.

Numb: the complete loss of feeling and or emotion.

Partial-numbness to the heart, and to the brain is what i feel.
Why can't I say what I feel? I do, and I will. I don't care if it scares you away, or if it makes me seem anything more than the loving person i am.

"Idelle, why does that always happen to you?"
"I don't know, it just does. I can't quite figure it out myself."
"I'm really sorry man."
"Don't be sorry, if you're sorry than that makes me seem like something bad happened. I mean it's only my heart anyways right?"
"Don't say that, you know you're more than heart anyway. You might think with it, but you have a soul. The best fucking soul I'll ever know."
"Yeah I guess you're right. So I got heart and soul? I have a question; what draws you to me? What makes you want to be my friend, to call me, to want to hang out, to miss me, to laugh with me, to share moments in time that lead to us being good friends? What is it about me? I really need to know."
"Idelle, I really can't figure that one out. Seriously, I can't. All I know is that it's there. The love I have for you it's there. I can't express it but I can feel it. One of those kinds of fucking senarios,haha."
"Okay, I'm pretty sure you just answered your own question!?"
"Haha, what question?"
"The question you asked me earlier; 'Why does this always happen to you?'"
"I kind of did. Some people can't just express their feelings for you because you're such a strong, independant, talented, and loving person that it scares them away and intimidates them, and makes you seem superior to them, which they can't handle. Which is why, when someone who isn't intimidated and can make you feel weak in the knees instead of you doing that to them, it won't scare them away, instead it'll draw them closer. Like you did to me with our friendship; you made me feel drawn to you, with every amazing quality you have. Fuck, I'm not just saying this to make you feel better about anything, it's just the truth from the heart. When we hang out, even if we're not doing anything special you never stop making me laugh and never cease to amaze me what you come up with. But it's not your funniess I love about you. It's your ability to love and care about people, and you'll do your best to make anyone feel so comfortable and open with you, and full of love, it sometimes changes their personality even, no joke, haha. Remember that time we thought that chick was such a bitch and you were the only one who went up and talked to her and she was so nice? See it's just you. You care about people so much that you put them above yourself, therefore why you're always getting hurt. "
"Wow, that was intense. ...I don't know what to say. You can't handle me bitch haha, no but thanks?! or deny it all and say it's not true, cause I kind of don't believe that i'm that great of a person. I'm just like everyone else."
"But thats the thing man, you're not. You're different. That's why you drew me in."
"haha, don't hit on me i don't swing that way."
"Shutup you fuck. I love you. haha"
"But really thanks. I feel alot better. So I guess it's definately not me then, well with your little theory and all haha"
"Nope, definately not you."
"You've got it all and a pack of fucking sugar hunny."
"hahaha, yeah I guess I really do, I really do."

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