I (almost) has a 1-year-old! In photos.

Oct 04, 2008 22:37

Devin Rose will be 1 year old tomorrow at 3:51pm. WOAH. Here are some pictures to follow her first year.

Day 1, Devin Rose, age a couple of minutes.

Devin's almost a day old.

1 month old!

2 months and already a ham!

3 months and while thinner, this is how Devin still looks.

4 months, my joyful, pudgey water baby.

5 months, enjoying tummy time.

6 months, a rolling baby who could push up onto her knees!

7 months - coming from a big month, from army crawl to actual scrawl, sitting up, eating food and general mischief ;). Shortly after crawling she started pulling to standing too.

8 months and improving everything she learned in the last couple months.

9 months, looking a bit too grown up for my tastes ;).

10 months and pulling out all kinds of new tricks like waving, dancing and babbling.

11 months, 7 teeth, standing and words and clapping and games... she's definitely longer and leaner and leaving infancy behind for toddlerhood...

Just about 1 year old! She's still a ham, still an agent of chaos, still loves to smile and eat and stand. Working on walking and more words and playing with her toys, not just eating them ;). She is a joy and I look forward to what is to come!!

1 year milestone post to come :).

photos, devin, birthday, milestone

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