The area code you have dialed...

Jun 07, 2006 06:26

Man, I'm so glad 6/6/06 is over. I was so sick of people going on about it being "the number of thar beast." I have to assume that they mean that it is the phone number of the beast from Beauty and the Beast. The cool one who lived in the sewer, not that fake-ass Disney shit.

Also, I am really sick of having to point out this factoid*. Yep, the thing about how they've re-translated the earliest known copy of Revelations (or, rather, some of the texts that were later joined up in that oh-so-predictable final chapter of the Bible where we find out, gasp, the Satan did it!) and came to the solid conclusion that the number of the beast is, indeed, 616. That's right, an area code in Michigan. An area code in Michigan that does not touch Hell, Michigan. Haw haw, your god is an idiot. Not much of a concern, really, considering he isn't even real. Nor the devil. Nor any religous belief. Suck on that, Yoda. Of course, D&D is still cool.

No, really, it's still cool...


And real!

*Use of "factoid" should be taken with a grain of Lot's wife. Considering, yeah, it's concerning a text that has less reality in it than your typical episode of My Little Pony. Hey-oooo!

atheism, nerd, religion

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