Happy fun picture time!!!

May 21, 2006 04:13

Hey, I got me one of them digital camera dealies and have been using it a bit.

J showing off his new leg to me and K

Regular customers K (different K) and C, looking at a group of civil war re-enactors in a production of Hamlet

Testing out the zoom and lighting limits on regular H

Regular K after a bit of playing around on Paint Shop Pro

Owner M doing my dishes. Work faster, you lazy bitch!! Haw haw!

Coworker S bagging croissants like a motherfuckin' pro

Coworker S (different S) trying to look glamorous in her ridiculously large sunglasses

Again. She really loves those glasses

Went to a party Friday night, met the coolest dog. Star of the party

She has the same name as my niece. But she kicks my niece's ass in ball fetching

T, A and J-P. T and A are making their exit. Notice the sunlight lighting up that window? I left at 7

Longtime friend T is master of all that he surveys... on the table

M was there. Yay, M.

Semi-regular J evades the lens as she makes her monthly trip into town from Chicago to fulfill her legal obligation to the guard

Part-time part-timer D hams it up rather than get back to work

Co-founder and twin sister of owner M, K prepares to read the obits because she is really OLD. HAW HAW, old lady!

Building maintenance guy R evades work while simultaneously pretending to be exhausted by work. Where's our new outlet, bitch?!

Regulars B and P. I'm going to steal B's girlfriend away. Suck it, B, it's only a matter of time

Coworker S models the new apron from Victoria's Secret

VS, go back to the drawing board

Owner's daughter and coworker R

And again.

work, pictures

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