Jul 15, 2010 03:03
Man I've been remiss in posting lately. But, really, what else is new?
The beach was great. We ended up having unexpectedly nice weather, which was surprising considering the hurricane and all. I got to spend lots of time with Boo, Jackie, Shelley, Fritz and my family which is always nice. I beat all of them at Trivial Pursuit BY MYSELF and then managed to get a fifty-two point word in Scrabble, so it was a good week for games for me. I even managed to avoid totally frying myself, although unfortunately Boo and Jackie were not so fortunate. Ouch!
I worked four days in a row at GS after I got back, culminating in a really long shift on Sunday (worked open to close) wherein I got called rude over the phone and snapped at in the store among other things. If I hadn't been working with Ryan and Paul I think I would have just started crying in the damn store. As it was, I didn't cry until after I got in my car and then I BAWLED. Oh it sucked. And then I got home and had an argument with Mom over FOOD of all things. It was dumb and I was emotional. I admit it. But the day had its good points. Paul gave me a present that he had picked up for me at AX when he had gone. It was just a little Metalocalypse pin, but it made me feel better. It's always nice to know you were thought of and it is awfully cute. And then after I got home, Stacy and I went to Chipotle and then to the vegan milkshake tasting festival at Toy Joy, which was a ton of fun. Totally delicious and I always love Toy Joy. I need to go back and buy myself a lunch box before I go back to school.
Monday I went and did some work for Dad at his place/office. It was pretty simple stuff -filing and figuring out some software and explaining it to him. I went to Thundercloud to pick up some sandwiches for us for lunch and got to talk/flirt with a really nice sandwich guy behind the counter while he made our orders. He was kinda cute too and he gave me extra bacon, so it was a nice moment.
I don't think I did anything of note Tuesday aside from go through my room and try to re-configure my schedule for next semester. I have to do this because I've decided to drop my CFAS degree and focus on English, which meant dropping all my CFAS stuff that I had signed up for and then sign up for all different things that I needed instead. I managed to pick up almost everything I need AND make it fit into my schedule in a good way. I'm waiting to hear back about one class that I was waitlisted for, but it's not a huge deal if I don't get into it. I think if I work really hard I can be out of here in another few semesters. This news is super exciting, you guys.
Today I met up with Jim for lunch at Guero's. It went okay. Not bad. Not great. So there's that. I also did a bunch of arranging and then headed over to Dad's in the evening because I had offered to host Lauren and Sophia's joint birthday party slash general hanging out shindig. I was slightly delayed because I had run into the Barnes & Nobles to pick up some giftcards, which should have taken five minutes max. But naturally the computer that the lady was using to check me out ended up wonking out so we had to call a manager over and do all these exchanges and stuff since they didn't want me to get charged twice. It wasn't a huge deal, but Sophia ended up beating me to Dad's place. ^^;; Slightly embarrassing but oh well!
The shindig itself was fun. Lauren, Prizz, Tim, Romy, Stacy and Bree all showed up. I bought everyone pizza from Home Slice, Lauren provided these delicious chocolate peanut butter mousse bites and Sophia provided the cupcakes and we did a lot of hanging out and talking, as we are wont to do. AS USUAL the science kids talked science the whole time, but that's why we love you guys. Boo had to leave early because she wasn't feeling well and we missed her, but hopefully everyone else had a great time.
And now I am very tired and going to bed. Zzzzz.
fun stuff,
vacation post,