Jun 30, 2010 10:38
Yawn, yawn and yawn again. I stayed up late last night finishing my book [Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman, which is all sorts of excellent if you like a fun and well-written fantasy novel that really puts the urban in urban fantasy] and then was woken up this morning by a somewhat panicked Boo whose first words were "Okay, don't freak out, but..." Which are, you know, always great words to wake up to. ^^;; Fortunately it wasn't anything horrible.
While Boo was getting ready this morning the front door had somehow gotten left open and Panzer and BK had run out. Panzer, being a total moron, ran outside and was fairly easy to catch but BK was another story. And Boo had called me sounding upset because she couldn't find BK, which isn't all that surprising. He's small, black and spooky and was originally a feral cat, so if he doesn't want to be found...
I ended up telling her to go to work (since she was already running late) and hauled my carcass out of bed to go and see if I could find him. I wandered around the front yard for a few minutes, then the backyard. I poked around and then finally found him curled up in some tall grass. I freaked out for a minute because he didn't move and I thought he was dead, but he jumped up and I grabbed him to take him inside. Naturally this happens on a rainy day so he was all wet and muddy so I had to towel him off. Of course the little ingrate claws the HELL out of my NEW shirt in the process. *sigh* Small holes, but I'm not sure if I can wear it out now. Stupid cat.
Mom and Kiddo and I were originally supposed to have left for the beach
SO. The doorbell rang and I went to go answer it with the cat in my arms so we didn't have a repeat of this morning. When I got there it was two older ladies with some magazines or something.
Old Lady 1: We're going around talking to people about not having enough time to get everything done. Do you feel like you have enough time?
And then they tried to give me a magazine, which I declined and then they left. Weird.
Anyways back to our regularly scheduled LJ post.
Mom and Kiddo and I were originally supposed to have left for the beach already, but issues arose. Mainly, Boyo was originally supposed to come with some friends but backed out, Kiddo couldn't find a friend to go with and we just couldn't find a whole lot of people who could go with us and the beach is a LOT more fun with more people. So Kiddo more or less stated that he didn't really want to go at all. This created kind of a family dispute because Mom and I really wanted to have a family vacation because this just isn't going to be possible for much longer. Disputes ensued, but in the end it was decided that Mom was going to go down Tuesday and Kiddo and I are going to go down on Thursday.
So now I'm just killing time until then! I already put my time off in for work so... yay more time off? Whee! The only problem is that the house is pretty foodless so we've been having to get creative with food. I'm still trying to get up the energy to actually DO stuff today. The rainy weather isn't helping...
daily life,