Hunting the Rogues

May 16, 2005 21:19

A good hunter must always be prepared. I spent the day exercising followed by a relaxing bath and a short nap before sunset. I felt fully prepared for the evening, and dressed appropriately for the occassion. Black trousers, black boots, white shirt, black vest and of course my cape, black, lined in red. Not a hair out of place, I leap gracefully ( Read more... )

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not_your_victim May 18 2005, 21:55:52 UTC
(OOC: Sorta hijacking the good doctor White here. Just shoot me if I step over any lines. >:D And thanks for the convo, Klaus baby! *blows kiss*

THIS bit is from White's POV.)

Irritating. Very, very irritating. Castle's hard to miss, at least. No directions needed. Better not be guards. Get shot at, this patient can die for all of me.

Should send interns to do this. Not me. Might have had something else to do - didn't, but he didn't know that. Calling in favors; makes me sick. Better be a REAL problem ahead of me, not just some pampered kid breaking a fingernail.

All the way up to the main door. No security gates; no guards. ...strange.

I ring the doorbell and wait to see who comes.


klaus_helsing May 18 2005, 22:17:21 UTC
Spot has replaced Raymond for now until Alexander gets another zombie to fill in the absence. I hear the doorbell and the door open and then Spot's grunts as he, no doubt, scowls at the person who dared come a-knocking this late.

"Let her in, Spot."

Spot opens the door wide enough for her to enter, then checks to make sure she has no luggage.

"Sorry about him. He's new." Have to explain the grunts and the fact that Spot is sniffing at her. "And American. Do come in. The patient is upstairs."

Spot shuts the door behind her, grunts again, and then goes back to polishing the silver...or stealing it. I'm not precisely which.

I lead the doctor up the stairs and into the guest room. She's attractive, but, like Greta, there's something about her that makes one not wish to annoy her too much.

"Carolyn, meet Dr.-" Erm..didn't catch the name.


not_your_victim May 18 2005, 22:25:52 UTC
(Dr. White still ( ... )


klaus_helsing May 18 2005, 22:32:29 UTC

Hands go on her. I gently move her up when told to and then promptly end up flipping her onto her stomach, taking care not to touch the bruised area. There's an ugly black..and purplish mark there now.

Yes, way to much force. Damnation.

I gently squeeze her arms, massaging them carefully and making small movements to try and keep her relaxed. "We really appreciate you coming out here so late at night to help." Try to be nice, try to be calm...


not_your_victim May 18 2005, 22:38:28 UTC
(Carolyn this time ( ... )


klaus_helsing May 18 2005, 22:44:07 UTC
A..what? Ur..did she say urine?

And Carolyn is in pain and she won't get any Ibuprofin until she gets out that sample. She can't even walk.

So I'll carry her. Seems the obvious solution.

I take the cup from the doctor's hand. "I'll help her." Get to the bathroom. Get to the bathroom, not with the sample!

Oy vey...

Ah, if only father could see me now. Helping a vampire hunter to the toilet to collect her piss. I take Carolyn back into my arms, turning her over so she's laying as comfortable as I can make her. Carrying her into the bathroom as a groom would his new bride, I set her down on the toilet and put the little cup beside her on the sink.

" me in when you're done."

With that, I quickly leave the room, shutting the door behind me and resting against it.

Just how bad is this killing her own pride? Not to mention her dignity. Damn.


not_your_victim May 18 2005, 22:49:20 UTC
(Carolyn ( ... )


klaus_helsing May 18 2005, 22:54:03 UTC
Why in HELL is she laughing? This isn't funny...sorta.


Le sigh.

At least she's having fun taking her tinkle.

Going over to the doctor, I look at one of the bottle. Wonderful. Least two pills every six hours. How long will she be feeling like this?

Another raucuous bit of laughter erupts from the bathroom. I wonder if all her visits to the facilities are as merry as this one.

"Got it." Water. Clear liquids. Get her walking soon. "Thank you for all of this." Pocketing the medicine, I take out my check book and write out a check addressed to her.

As for the payment, suffice to say it's more than the amount of words she's used in her entire visit.


not_your_victim May 18 2005, 23:00:04 UTC
(Dr. White)

...HELLO Hawaii.

Well. This earns some bedside manner, I should think. I offer him a smile. Bet it's screwy; my smile gets rusty sometimes.

"She should be fine. Was very lucky. Don't let her 'teach martial arts' for a while." I give him a look to say I know EXACTLY what they were doing. Martial arts, sure. Wasn't born yesterday. "I'm sure you'll keep her in good hands."



Okay, okay, enough of this. Come on. Oi, come ON. You know how it is when you get the giggles; suddenly everything's funny, even which toothpaste he uses. Just get the pee in the CUP, for crying out loud.

Ooookay. Done. Still giggling. Maybe moving will make it stop.

....OW. Well, it's not like I'm not going to wash my hands, is it? And I'm not going to have Klaus do it. Been embarassed enough as it is today; it's definitely better to clean myself and have done with it.

There's a bidet in here. Ah, and the giggles are back....


klaus_helsing May 18 2005, 23:05:38 UTC
I guess the doctor's visit was very helpful. Carolyn seems a bit more cheerful now. She leaves the bathroom, cup in hand, and I don't really want to go retrieve THAT for her but I do go over to her, an arm sliding around her waist. "You can lean on me if you need to." Better than a cane at least.

Slosh, slosh...that'd better not dribble onto me.

"She should be fine. No more rough play." Dammit, she knows...somehow she knows! Does she suspect domestic violence? Abuse?

Or even worse than that...


Handing Carolyn the bottle of Ibuprofin, I settle her back down into bed. "Take two of these now. Spo-!"

Oh, there he is. In the doorway. With an icepick.

"Be a dear and get Miss Elmhurst a glass of water."

Spot shuffles off and I suddenly get up and run to the doorway. "Nevermind! Get Felix to bring up a glass!"


not_your_victim May 18 2005, 23:10:23 UTC
(Dr. White)

'M done here. Nothin' more to do. Take the urine sample - good girl, she sealed it properly. Won't spill. Into the bag, stored away.

"We'll send the results. Don't see any blood now; might have some in the next few days, nothing to worry about unless it gets too thick. Ever had blood in your urine before?"

"I have."

Nothin' in her face. Guess she's been playing THESE games for quite a while. Professional dominatrix, whoopy.

"Then you'll know to call if you don't feel better. This'll tell us if there's more damage than should be." Pat my bag. Cheque's already put away; nice fellow, very nice fellow. Pays her half as well as he pays me, we're all in good shape.

"If there's nothing else, I'm done."


klaus_helsing May 18 2005, 23:14:33 UTC
"Thank you again for your services. We really appreciate this." I walk her out of the room and nearly ram into Felix who's now holding a glass of water.

"Felix here will show you the way out. Tell Dr. Marshall Mr. Lucard sends his regards and his thanks." I take the glass of water, smile at the good doctor who thankfully doesn't ask questions and let Felix lead her out.

Going back into Carolyn's room, I hand over the water. "I think she thought we were screwing."


not_your_victim May 18 2005, 23:18:34 UTC
(Back to just good ol' Carolyn. ^_^)

Thank GOD I didn't have the glass to my lips. Laughter explodes out of my mouth so hard and so quickly that I can't possibly stop it.

"Screwing! SCREWING! Oh my word... Klaus, it's just too much, all of this too much. I should retire to bedlam."

Swallowing the ibuprofen isn't too hard, fortunately, although I don't feel quite as bad as I did a short while ago. I think one of the dangers is going to be getting stiff from not moving.

So: less pain with movement. More pain if I just lie completely still. Meh; I hate choices like that.

"S-sorry," I'm still trying not to laugh. And failing. Oi, my kingdom for a good lager....


klaus_helsing May 18 2005, 23:49:55 UTC
"I wouldn't go there. The place has a bad reputation." Sitting down on the bed next to her, I can observe her more closely. She looks a bit better, maybe laughing helped.

"You're still beautiful," I mutter, wanting to cheer her up in my own way. "I'll have to help you walk again. Exercise every day and all. It'll help. And you can only have clear fluids or that with little sugar. No alcohol."

For some reason, I doubt this will sit well with her.


not_your_victim May 19 2005, 00:06:48 UTC
"Awwww, no lager?" I grin at him. NOTHING could kill these endorphins now, I swear. "It's okay, Klaus. I'm sure I'll be fine. I've been hit harder than this." I pat his cheek. "Stop worrying, okay? Look, you said you wanted to be with me because I'm independent and all that shit, right? Well, guess what? This is PART of that independence. You didn't REALLY hurt me. It would take a lot more than this to REALLY hurt me, okay?

"If I pee blood, I pee blood." I grin. "Just relax."


klaus_helsing May 19 2005, 00:46:49 UTC
Her strength.

She isn't whining or moping or angsting about her injuries. She'll probably be hopped up on pain killers for a bit which really doesn't allow one to angst about anything.

But...she's right. Not for the first time do I realize that she's right. She's fine. She'll bounce back. Kinda like me.

And I didn't kill her. It'd take more than what I've got to kill her. She'll be...she is fine.

I smile back at her and kiss her cheek. "Relaxed then. Feel free to order up breakfast tomorrow. Just don't order from Spot. He has issues."


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