Hunting the Rogues

May 16, 2005 21:19

A good hunter must always be prepared. I spent the day exercising followed by a relaxing bath and a short nap before sunset. I felt fully prepared for the evening, and dressed appropriately for the occassion. Black trousers, black boots, white shirt, black vest and of course my cape, black, lined in red. Not a hair out of place, I leap gracefully out of my window and to the forest floor below.

The city is quiet at night, but there are always those who venture out foolishly into the darkness. This is where I claim my victims. It's never long before a mortal comes along, feeling safe and secure. They often nod at me, perhaps recognizing my face just before I claim them. These rogue vampires will be a bit more difficult than mere mortals, however. More intelligent than zombies but less so than other vampires I've destroyed before. I close my eyes and blend with the darkness momentarily before I catch their scent. There seems to be a little more than the handful Sophie claimed to have bitten. No matter.

Transforming into a bat, I'm able to follow their trail to a warehouse. How film noir-esque of them. No matter. I'll soon be rid of the pests. Deciding to do this dramatically, I land on the roof, break the window in the ceiling, and land perfectly in the middle of their little band. Ten, perhaps twelve of these inferior creatures, look over at me. Immediately I can see their fangs and their eyes. They'll be easily disposed of.

I attack first, two of them dropping instantly, fight off another and kill a third before I realize something is wrong. Their numbers seem to be growing rather than shrinking and I count fifteen more in addition to the originals. Concentrate, Vlad, call upon your strengths. Ah, that one tasted horribly! Disgusting things. Perhaps I should've brought a stake. Or not. Another handful appear from the woodwork - why hadn't I sensed them before?

Forty, forty-five, perhaps more, and they seem to have mastered the angry mob routine. My cloak is gone and sharp claws tear at my back and a few at my legs. I try to transform, to teleport, to disappear and return with greater strength, but they have a tight grip. I lose count and it's all I can do to stay on two feet. My shirt is slashed, torn to ribbons. The vampires are a greater force than I'd counted on. Perhaps they were more intelligent than given credit. I can hear their hissing in my ear, feel their putrid breath that smelled of decay and congealed blood. My legs give way and I'm on my knees, bleeding from wounds that were rapidly becoming more numerous.

Sharp fangs dig into my neck and I know I have to leave now before they drain me entirely and that would be too embarassing.

"Klaus," I whisper.

That whisper seems to have given me some strength and with effort, I manage to break free of their grip and tear away. Limping, I make it to the front door and teleport to who knows where. The forest? Somewhere safe. I've lost blood, and my vision is blurring. The world seems too cold and too dark.


This can't be the end.
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