[One-Shot] Together we shall discover our love...

Sep 26, 2009 23:56

Title: Together we shall discover our love...
Pairing: 2Min
Summary: Minho and Taemin don't know how to love, or who to love. So they turn to each other.
A/N: Ugh, I haven't written in forever, not to also mention a SHINee fic. I really should be updating Incense now, but...so...omg I feel so guilty. But I really wanted to write something instead of Incense, so I turned to this...thing. idk. But I'm really really really deprived of 2Min right nao, so I need to write something. ;-; Also, I just want to see if I can improve on my SHINee writings, because my previous ones on another account sucked like shit lmao.

It was easy for one to see that Taemin did not understand the concept and workings of love, but...what about Minho?

As much as Minho looked smart, wise, and mature, he did not know much as much as Taemin did. He did not know what that spark, or sensation was to be in love. Not once, has he ever felt it. Probably why Minho always answers those 'who is your ideal type' sort of questions as 'I'll know when I see her'.

It's confusing, yes, because he finds himself thinking all the time, just who exactly do I like - no - love. To not know the feeling, to watch others as they talk and dicuss about their experiences.

Minho feels like a loner.

But he's not alone.

For he has Taemin. Taemin, still naive and young in his opinion. Minho treasures his dongsaeng, because he has something in common with him. And knowing this, makes him feel at ease.


Taemin wanted to feel like he knew everything about love, but truthfully he didn't.

He smiled when people asked about him about the type of girls he liked, and he would answer in his most honest opinion.

But Taemin didn't know quite himself.

So, he clings to his hyung, Minho, because Taemin knows he's not alone when he's with him.


As they stand by each other's side, both watching people wander by on crowded walkways, they wonder what this feeling is. It was as though it just suddenly clicked between them. Currently perched on the grass, under a shady oak located in a park that they have for themselves; almost only for them as they share a comfortable silence.

Taemin glances at Minho as he feels hands entwining with his own. Breathes hitch as both make eye contact. And for a long while they remained that way. Maybe they were looking for something; looking for a sign. Or maybe they were just conversing through their very eyes.



They don't understand how love works, or how it just happens, but together they figure...they will learn together. Experiment with one another, practice with one another. It will be them, and only them.

And Minho takes the first move with this new agreement as he pulls Taemin closer with one gentle tug, and leans, pressing his body against Taemin's. The distance shrinks, inch by inch. And soon enough, they find their lips on one another. Kissing.

They don't know what they're doing, but that would probably be the point in the experiment. And the first test was Minho swiping a tongue on the latter's lip. Proved successful. Taemin moaned softly, and they separate oh so slowly as their eyes flutter open.

They don't know what to say. Warmth circulated within them both as they just stared. Staring, staring into each other's eyes. What did they just do? What are you suppose to say or do after you kiss? Go in for another, apologize for whatever the hell you just did, run away? Test #2: Taemin smiles sweetly, tilts his head, and goes after his hyung's lips. Proved successful. He found Minho kissing back, just as tenderly and passionate as the other. The both of them were relieved as they separated once more.

Had they found love finally?


Taemin feels a warmth press against his back, arms wrapping around his neck. He felt himself being dragged towards the couch, only to sit upon someone's lap. His grin widens as he feels that familiar touch make its way into the crook of his neck. That nose, the hair, those lips all pressing into him. Taemin finds his hands winding up to grasp onto Minho's arms, gripping so that he wouldn't dare leave him from this position.

They felt like they knew just what love was. They weren't 100% sure, but that's okay. They were still in that certain phase. Where love is only gentle touches, kisses, and hugs. However, those experiments weren't over just yet; there was one more test need to be done.

Minho nuzzles into Taemin's neck, wanting to get his attention. Taemin cranes his neck so he can clearly see his hyung, neck exposed and all. It was time for the final test, the final experiment. Test #3:

I love you

Minho whispers, just barely audible - but it was heard since Taemin's ear was just there. The outcome? Tears outline Taemin's eyes, and he turns around to give Minho a proper kiss. He mouthes the words, I love you too, into Minho's mouth.

Test #3, proved successful.


Hmm, did I just write complete nonsense? idk lol. Please leave a comment on your thoughts~ ♥

pairing: minho/taemin, genre: romance, genre: fluff

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