(no subject)

Nov 12, 2012 23:02

so i just noticed yesterday that shinya shokdou has a drama!! i haven't watched it yet, but yet another food drama *___* wonder how close will they be to the manga though... some of the contents is a bit mature ^^;;

on another topic, omg i'm surrounded by noise pollution!! ;___; the water pipes in my building have some problem, so whenever people use a lot of water (eg showering) there's a really loud noise of the water flowing up the pipes and stuff... considering i'm on the 8th floor and the water tank thing is either on the 29th or 4th floor, you can figure out how loud it must me! >__<;; the management doesn't seem to be doing much about it despite it being 1 week since it started! oh well...

you would think that going to work would be great, since i'll be away from the water pipes? no! there's construction on the rooftop of the building i work in, and i'm right below them! ;____; so i get the loudest hammering/drilling/stuff being put down on the ground noises... :(

all that aside, i'm getting excited to my london trip this christmas! because i realised i can watch the christmas lectures (a series of 3 lectures done during christmas about science) live!! well on tv :P but that's a big improvement from not being to watch them at all! and i can bake stuff! i'm already planning on lemon pudding cakes, but i definitely want to try bread and butter pudding! and omg ovens *____* and cats *_______*

london, cooking, work, kaze, jdrama, travelling

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