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Nov 11, 2012 17:13

so on my continued efforts to watch more things, i've recently downloaded two new jdramas to watch!

the first one up is hana no zubora meshi. it's basically about this super lazy house wife who tries to make really yummy but lazy (using igredients you always have at home, least amount of cooking etc) food. only three episodes are out, but it seems quite interesting! well the food is orz there's not much of a story, she just lazes around the whole day, encounter a few problems during work/with her friends, cooks some really yummy food, end of story. tbh i'm only watching it to see what sort of lazy food she comes up with :P

the second one is called tokyo airport! i thought it would be a low budget drama, then i saw the cast and realised it's pretty mid budget! the drama is about the operations of tokyo international airport (haneda! not narita!), with a particular focus on the air cotrol tower. there's also parts with the other ground staff and pilots, but the main story is definitely in the air control tower. it was really cool they made this show, because last year i actually applied for the job XD;;; it's made in a pretty typical jdrama fashion, with how they introduce people and all, but what really attracted me was how the scenes at the control tower seemed pretty real. of course you don't get emergencies every other day, but how they dealt with it was pretty ♥

one big problem (?) i have with it is the insane amount of engrish!!! i mean i understand that air control officers actually need to talk in english most of the time (it was in the job requirement), but some of the people (yes actors but still) have such strong accents i would hate to be a pilot and have to listen to them (another job i was thinking of!) :P thank god for subtitles... it was also interesting how they could actually switch to japanese when it was an emergency situation. i guess there are actually guidelines allowing that :O i always thought you had to speak in english!

also added bonus is that seto kouji is in the show! and he's always in a shirt + vest! ♥

episode review, jdrama

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