(no subject)

Nov 08, 2012 12:21

in order to up my post count, CLAMP meme time! i'm gonna post the whole thing now, and hopefully start... on a nicer date/time :P

Day 1: Favorite CLAMP series.

Day 2: Least favorite CLAMP series.

Day 3: Favorite CLAMP character.

Day 4: Least Favorite CLAMP character.

Day 5: Favorite canon couple.

Day 6: Least Favorite canon couple.

Day 7: A CLAMP moment that made you incredibly happy.

Day 8: A CLAMP moment that made you incredibly sad.

Day 9: A CLAMP moment that made you rethink your life.

Day 10: Favorite CLAMP art style.

Day 11: Number of CLAMP series you’ve read/watched. .

Day 12: First CLAMP series ever..

Day 13: A CLAMP series you used to love but now hate.

Day 14: A CLAMP series you used to hate but now love.

Day 15: A CLAMP series you love that is vastly underrated. .

Day 16: What do you think of other projects CLAMP has been a part of? (Code Geass, Blood C, etc.)

Day 17: Favorite CLAMP member.

Day 18: Show off your CLAMP merchandise! (manga, anime, figurines, etc.)

Day 19: Favorite recurring theme in CLAMP’s series.

Day 20: Something pertaining to CLAMP that you’re embarrassed to admit.

Day 21: If you could change the ending to a CLAMP series, which one would you change?

Day 22: Which CLAMP character(s) would you love to cosplay? If you have cosplayed anyone, who did you cosplay?

Day 23: If you could ask CLAMP one question, what would you ask?

Day 24: A CLAMP series you have mixed feelings about.

Day 25: Your favorite opening song from a CLAMP anime.

Day 26: Your favorite ending song from a CLAMP anime.

Day 27: An unpopular opinion you feel the need to share about CLAMP.

Day 28: Favorite official CLAMP artwork.

Day 29: Favorite CLAMP fanart.

Day 30: How has CLAMP changed your life?

clamp, meme/quiz crap

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