(no subject)

Nov 18, 2012 22:19

it seems like the winter blues are getting to me :( been feeling really down all the time, and it feels like no one is able to help? i guess it's partially me just being getting caught up in small things that i shouldn't be so annoyed about, but surely you get annoyed for a reason? just want to curl up in bed and just be alone the whole day :(

work is the same as usual, but my laziness has meant i have a lot of things i should be doing but i'm not doing because of said laziness :( which means i'm doing a lot of rushing around when i really should be revising for N1 (2 weeks btw and i haven't even 'properly' started!) orz i might just go straight to practise papers after i try to finish this kanji book which has been taking far longer than i imagined.. it's been nearly a month and i still haven't finished half of it! ><;; it's just kanji! i'm chinese! i can guess 80% of them damn it!! ><

tht being said, i had loads of fun with my mum shopping yesterday :D got lots (three) of shoes, new duvet (my current one is nearly 10 years old orz) AND STAR BED COVERS ♥ we spent loads, but it's been a long time since i've been out with my mum without it feeling like a chore or it's just a veryyyy long walk.

our school's cultural fair is this upcoming friday too! the office apparently wants me to help out with the drinks corner :x i'm happy to help, but please let me have some free time to walk around the fair ;_;

and i heard DBSK is holding a concert in HK in january?? :D i dunno if i'll go to it because i'm not a massive fan of theirs, but i'm glad SM artists are coming to our city :D

jlpt, work, smtown, family, depressed!reg

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