Interesting People...

May 09, 2009 00:48

Well, it's the end of another day of training.  No tests, no modules.  We did however join our first shift meeting; after which was followed by our assigned patient for the day.  All we did was shadow the primary RA and see what they did, how they filled out the documentation, and ask plenty of questions.  I can't give out patient information but I can summarize what happened.

I was assigned to a room with three patients; one fully dependent while the other do were independent.  Although there were three of them, I was only to focus on one of them and that turned out to be the dependent patient.  The patient was nice but because of his level of damage there really wasn't much he could do.  However, due to the other two patients in the room, things were never boring.  One kept screaming, and cursing, while the other one just ignored the first and continued with his cross word puzzle.  What was difficult about the day was all the paperwork but that will get easier with time.

There really isn't much to say.  Well, one more thing.  Tomorrow istead of shadowing an experienced RA, we'll be assigned a patient to take care of on our own.  So... tomorrow I will most likely have a lot more to write down.

Until then, take care and ciao for now.

career, updates

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