Lullabye [AkuRoku]

Aug 13, 2007 11:31

Title: Lullabye
Pairing: AkuRoku
Type: Fluff
Rating: PG

The knock on the door was too soft for Demyx, too shy for Zexion, and anyone else would have just barged in. Axel slid out of his bed and stretched; he hadn't been able to fall asleep anyway. The new kid's face kept popping into his mind... and it was making it difficult to concentrate on sleep. Roxas. That was his name. As if Axel could have forgotten.

Speaking of Roxas... he opened the door and was only half surprised to see number thirteen there, wearing a gray and white T-shirt and shorts. "Sorry to bother you," the younger nobody said, his blue eyes ducking away from Axel's green. "It's just... I couldn't sleep. And I didn't know where else to go."

Axel opened the door wide and waved a hand. "Come in, come in. You're always welcome here."

Roxas came into the room and looked around, blue eyes wide. Axel's room was certinly a lot more interesting than his own blank gray cell. The walls were papered in some kind of black velvet, and there were interesting bits of metalwork and singed papers scattered everywhere. His chakrams hung proudly on the wall, gleaming brightly, right above a collection of photos that also had charred edges. Roxas moved towards them unconsciously... one in particular caught his eye. It was of Axel and another man... though he looked different, subtly, and Roxas realized that it must be his Somebody. He sighed inwardly. Everyone else could remember their past lives. Everyone except him.

Axel shut the door and turned out the light, steering Roxas away from the wall. "Come on, get some sleep, Roxas. I've got an extra pillow and everything." He clambered back into bed and gestured for the blond to join him.

Roxas nodded and slipped in beside Axel, sighing softly. Axel's sheets were black and silky, and much more comfortable than the ones in his own room. It was undoubtedly better here, friendly and warm and safe.

But he still couldn't sleep. He tossed and turned for several long minutes, sighing every now and then. He didn't know what it was. He could tell he was keeping Axel awake, and felt horrible, and that kept him up more...

Axel finally sat up and climbed over Roxas to get out of bed. "Hang on, sweet cheeks. I've got a sure-fire cure for insomnia." He moved over to the far wall and knocked, smirking softly in the starlight.

"What?" Demyx sounded totally awake, and Axel wondered if the Nocturne ever slept.

"Could you play us a lullabye?"

There was silence from the other side for a second, then, "Sure." Axel headed back to bed, and Roxas didn't object when he curled an arm around him. A minute later, a melody drifted through the walls, full of light and sweetness and, somehow, emotion. Roxas felt his eyelids drooping already. There was a sudden ache where his heart should have been... as if somehow, the lullabye brought back memories of how it felt to love and be loved. But Roxas knew he didn't remember anything like that... so why did this music make him want to cry?

Axel smiled and held Roxas close as he fell asleep, just watching his expressive face. Oh, he remembered all right. He may have thrown away his past life, but that didn't mean he didn't remember what love was like.

Too bad I'll never be able to feel it myself, he thought... but he knew, in the back of his mind, that something about that thought was a lie. "If I had a heart," he whispered under his breath, "it would be way too easy to fall in love with you."

akuroku, axel/roxas, roxas, fanfiction, demyx, axel

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