Aug 23, 2007 22:58
Other than starting a day off with yoga, Starbucks is definitely the next best thing, if not better, and that is exactly how my day started. I met with Debbie this morning and got some Starbucks, and as we were leaving I got a refill. I love how tea refills are only $0.50, absolutely amazing so why not take advantage right? That's what I did, I took full advantage. Work was pretty good today, except for one girl that I've had for two months. Her name is Temira and some days she's ok and some days she's a total brat. Her mom seems so stern with her so I don't know how her daughter became so rebellious but it took me 15 minutes to get her to do one thing, because she kept saying it was "boring." Who the heck cares? Ughh she then continued to kick me in the stomach and throw the kick board away or at me. I swear, she is a devil child on her bad days. Wow. Once we got passed that it was pretty good.
I took Karah to Vegan Plate tonight, and the drive was nice. Shirley met us there with her friend Ian (who was really cute btw) and so we had some AMAZING vegan food. I swear, there's nothing better than sitting down and knowing that you can order anything on the menu and not have to worry about what's in it. Nothing beats that. On the way home, I decided to take another freeway than the one I took to get there. For someone who's not that experienced at driving freeways, this was a bad idea. After going on a different freeway, missing my merge and not realizing it till 10 miles later, backtracking and all that it took a while and poor Karah had to pee so we pulled over at Starbucks. Surprisingly I didn't get anything, I was so full from dinner because I was eating everyone's leftovers. At least I was scarfing down healthy food right?
Well we got home safe and sound and I gave my parents a "taste test" of the vegan food and they seemed to enjoy it. I'm so thrilled that my family is so supportive of my veganism. They even said they would take me to a vegan restaurant next Friday before I leave for school! SWEET!
As for my friend that I was having trouble with, things are still as they were before, and that means that there has been no contact at all. I still have to admit that I'm ok with it. Perhaps it's for the better and everything since we were both changing and going different ways. Oh well. People come and people go...that's life.
Anyways, enough for now, Thank God it's almost Friday