Conservative radio jock Eric "Man-Cow" Muller has long had the opinion that waterboarding isn't torture -- some guy gets water thrown in his face, big deal, right? So he underwent a carefully controlled waterboarding session.
Lawsuit on Lesbos aims to force Lesbians to call themselves something else. The thing is, it actually is an inaccurate term, technically, and now it seems that "Sapphic" would be incorrect as well, given recent research. So I guess we have to fall back on W. Somerset Maugham's reference -- "ladies in sensible shoes."
Sexual harassment at school 'worse than bullying' - I suspect this is harder to separate out than these people seem to think. The bottom line is that it's all destructive. We need a solution, period.
Super duper superduperbug. There's a new variant of MRSA creeping into genpop from the West Coast. Amongst its lovely effects -- necrotizing pneumonia.