Come With Me Now (Fast and the Furious/Blade Trinity)

Jul 31, 2014 11:24

Title: Come With Me Now
Author: taibhrigh
Fandoms: Fast and the Furious/Blade Trinity
Pairing/Characters: Brian/Hannibal, Brian/Drake, Hannibal/Drake
Rating: R/Slash (violence, language, and sexual content)
Prompt: mark (#567) [and Fast and the Furious/Blade Trinity, Brian/Hannibal King and Writer's Choice, Brian is a cured vampire... at smallfandomfest]
Word Count: 5700
Author's Notes: Thanks to siluria for the beta.

Summary: The cure is only a stopgap. Brian O'Connor and Hannibal King meet while being cured from being a vampire.

Come With Me Now (on AO3)

crossover, fandom: blade trinity, author: taibhrigh, fandom: fast and furious

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