Run, run, run away.

Mar 14, 2010 22:27


Nicole had a spare ticket so I went with her, Peilin, Nicole's cousin and Nicole's cousin's friends (including the very scary *AHEM*). SHINee, Mark Zhao (squeeee), Moses Chan (squeeee too), JJ Lin, Eason Chan... it was an awesome experience and I definitely want to go to next year's too :D

But there were definitely some piss-me-off moments though. There were some other girls sitting in the same row as us but they were FREAKING LATE, so we moved in when the concert started. When they finally came they created a whole shitload of trouble and I had to move right to the end of the row, farthest away from the stage even though I came at 5.30pm when the show was scheduled to start at 7pm.

I was really disappointed with SHINee too. They were definitely the biggest draws of the night, they received the loudest cheers and practically everyone stood on their chairs and started screaming whenever they appeared. Jonghyun's face though... seriously, the least you could do was to SMILE and appreciate the enthusiasm even if you hate Singapore. Shortie Kim, I understand why you had that black face the entire night but that doesn't mean that I have to like it. You were part of my very first live KPop performance after being in the Kpop sphere for almost 4 years and you kind of marred the experience for me. Thanks for putting up a pitch-perfect performance though.

Although Jonghyun had a face that made me want to hit him, Onew and Taemin were awesomely sweet and smiley (SERIOUSLY IS IT THAT HARD TO EVEN SMILE?). Minho and Key weren't that cheerful but they were infinitely better than Jonghyun. Man, thinking about his behavior makes me pissed off. He was the first to walk off the stage after SHINee's performance, didn't bother interacting with the audience at all (a freaking wave would have sufficed), put on a scowl the entire night... halfway through their performance I turned to Peilin and asked "What the f--k is wrong with Jonghyun?" Yes yes, haters will hate but I was NEVER a SHINee anti. I'll still support them cos they ARE awesome, but well Jonghyun has dimmed my lurve. Whatever, they aren't even my main fandom anyway (:

You know why I said I understood why Jonghyun's face was so black? Because Singaporeans have no concert etiquette. I seriously cannot believe how rude and uncivilised we can get. SHINee's performance was second last, Eason Chan was last cos he won like 6372848 awards (and every single one of them were well-deserved). Well, you should've seen what happened. 1/4 of the audience UPPED AND LEFT THE STADIUM IN DROVES WHILE EASON WAS PERFORMING. What in the holy bleep was wrong with every single one of them?!?!?! There's someone PERFORMING for us on stage, and you simply get up and leave and still proudly announce that you're leaving, never to come back again? (Sorry, couldn't resist that Jesse McCartney reference XD) But honestly, how RUDE can you get? I felt freaking TERRIBLE and indignant for Eason and I was majorly pissed off at the people leaving, so... I kinda started shouting at them LOL. I doubt anyone of those classless biznatches heard me, but I was all "WHAT THE EFF IS WRONG WITH ALL OF YOU" and "GO AND DIE" and "SHINEE WILL NEVER COME BACK AGAIN" and stuff along that line.

No matter, Eason put up an AU SM performance for those that were left AND SHINee reappeared for the finale (IN YOUR FACE, BITCHES. THANKS FOR LEAVING SO THAT US POOR SOULS SITTING NEAR THE BACK HAVE SPACE UPFRONT TO SEE THEM).

Ok, happier stuff about the awards :D

zomg I didn't know he was coming at all, and when I saw him stepping out of the car and onto the red carpet I went ballistic. I was screaming and clutching at Peilin XD He is damn shuai and tall and nice! He waved to the audience, was perfectly cheerful and sporting. Not like a certain SOMEONE (I will never drop this. NEVER.). I officially declare myself a fan of his awesomeness. Nicole dragged me to Mandarin Oriental after the concert to see SHINee but we saw Mark as well. I completely FROZE when I saw him and I could only wave and smile stupidly, HAHAHHAA. He didn't look in my direction cos I was on the pavement opposite but I saw his sideview and even his sideview is... breathtaking. omg need to stop now i am sounding like i belong in woodbridge

Mark is coming back to Singapore with Ethan Ruan next month to promote his new movie Monga!! ANYONE WANTS TO GO TO THE AUTOGRAPH SESSION (if there's one) WITH ME?? :D

2) Awesome performances!

JJ's performance was, I feel, the most heartfelt of all. Pretty much the whole audience fell silent and just listened to him while he was playing the piano and singing. Good lord, his singing. Pitch perfect, full of emotion... He makes me proud to be a Singaporean (conflict much?).

If JJ was heartfelt, Eason's was over-the-top, epik hyper craziness! Despite the blatant rudeness of some of the audience, he put up a great show for the remaining SMART PEOPLE. He was totally into it and he OWNED THE STAGE. Sucks to be you, stupid losers who left the show~ (I cannot stop with the slamming, so if you don't like it LEAVE HAHAHHAHAHAH)

SHINee; how can I not mention them at all? Biggest draw of the night and all lol. Putting aside the frowns and scowls, SHINee put on a pitch-perfect performance, every dance step was on the beat, perfectly synchronised... it just lacked the heart. I suppose that's one bad thing about Kpop- it can come across as overly manufactured sometimes. But I enjoyed every minute of it, screaming and singing along and just getting high on seeing those boys. ONEW YOU ARE MY NEW BIAS FOR BEING SO SWEET TO US NOT-SO-NICE SINGAPOREANS. Minho gtfo Ok just kidding I still support you, Flaming Charisma! Thank god I never really had a bias towards Jongasaur. I would have been terribly crushed (:

There were many others that were great as well, just that um I can't really mention everything here cos the post is already long as it is! Just, thank you thank you thank you for making 2010 EAwards so awesome and giving me such a great experience (:

Ok on to normal life. I haven't been blogging since forevaaar! School is busy and tiring but fun (I love CO :D), my classmates are nice (haven't gotten to know some of them yet but mwotever, time heals all wounds and lets us make new friends yaddayaddyadda)... I have tons of homework this holiday. But I thank the heavens I'm not in Science stream, cos their timetable is WHACK. They hardly get breaks! Arts students have tons of breaks, plus the fact that I don't have to take Chinese anymore means WORKING/PLAYING/SLEEPING IN THE LIBRARY.

I got a disastrous haircut ): My fringe is now waaay too short! When I went back to school for CO on Saturday at least 3 people asked me if I was acting Korean!! (ok that sounded bad. You know how lots of Korean girls have bangs that end 1 inch above the eyebrow? That's how I look now.) Thank god for the holidays. No difference though, going back to school for CO camp tomorrow till Wednesday. I'm gonna clip my fringe up till I deem it long enough. I should've learnt my lesson in Sec3 when I had bangs! NEVER EVER LET ANYONE BUT YOURSELF TRIM YOUR BANGS. I'm never going to let anyone except MOI touch it when it grows longer. Please, God of Hair, spare me some quick hairgrowing prayers so that my bangs grow out.

Gonna bathe kthxbai.

OMG I just realised how long this post is. I don't blame anyone if no one reads this at all XD

e-awards, bitch, shinee, rants, mark zhao, life, school

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