Wedding Things - AKA, Plans of Doom USA.

Mar 20, 2013 18:35

All behind cut at all posts like this shall be...

Where to start? Gods know.

This wedding is going to be small (fewer than 25 people altogether) and it is going to be highly informal as we will technically already be married (on paper). As for any religious bits, well, religion's rubbish and the person I most trust to talk to any godlings about stuff is me, so that kicks tradition right in the balls.

All the ideas we've had so far (and you are all very welcome to add your own) have either been founded in whim, or practicality. Yes, I know, disparate ends of the scale but we've made them meet on cordial terms so far.

For example - buttonholes. I have noticed that over here flowers tend to rot and go mouldy very fast, which makes me not want to have swathes of them around. (Besides, it's November, I'm not used to any sort of flower in November.) So I made a whole host of silk rosette flowers in different colours on silver stickpins for the guests to keep.

If this wedding has an over-arching look, it might as well be ragged raw silk and fraying linen, trinkets, homespun, antiques and an added ladle of crazy.

These are the two (rather bad) pics I drew of our 'costumes' for the day - it was less 'THIS IS WHAT IT IS' and far far more - 'DOES THIS LOOK ANY DAMN GOOD AT ALL?!'

As you may be able to tell, I got bored long before they were both finished and decided that I'd find some way to make them work regardless.

So far, in the costume stakes, I'm fairing better than Kallian - but that's 'cos I'm more practiced at girl's clothes and I get panicked if he isn't around for me to throw material at and stick pins in. He has a jerkin-style waistcoat made of *many* patches (no you can't see it proper it hasn't been pressed yet) -

He also has a very swish cloak complete with wolf-pelt shoulder cape, but photographing that without it being worn just looks like a pile of wolf fur and cloak. (Yes, think of Game of Thrones and Stark cloaks.)

I fair better with a linen overdress with fitted bodice

which goes from light at the top to dark at the ragged hem, and a silk ragged underskirt with train (not yet dyed to match.)

Also a leather corset, which may or may not be part of the ensemble -

I've also been working on a feathered crown, the very start of which you can see -

I have yet to decide whether it will be 'Valkyrie' style (a wing each side) or whether I should put both wings together in a 'tail-fan' and have them pinned to the back of my head. (Lying down like a crow's, not sticking up like a peacocks.)....

Lalala. That's more than enough burbling for one post =P

doom, hazard

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