Running to catch up.

Mar 08, 2013 07:36

Haven't written in here for a while; so this post is just a dumping ground for all manner of disparate things that have no connection to one another.

- Bacon sandwiches, chocolate buttons, Guinness, F&M pork pies, proper pubs and an ability to get home at 2am are what makes London great. (So says Kallian.)

- Air New Zealand is the nicest airline I have ever flown on. A 'sky couch' and endless free gin & tonics is one hell of a way to make the flight go faster.

- 'The Farm' by Emily Mckay is full of suspense, tension and mystery. For the first chapter or two. Then it turns into a truly awful *awful* book that is obviously hoping to become the new Twilight saga. Blaaarrrggghhhh.

- I keep dreaming my mother's dead, and then wake up disappointed it's not true.

- My neurons have lost all faith in their ability to create things for Plans of Doom. Am now convinced I will look like a crazy person who raided the wardrobe and prop cupboard of a third-rate theatre - in the dark. *sigh*

- My LJ account expires in twelve days. Do I renew? Less people seem to write in lj these days (myself included since last november), but I like having a diary. Is it time to go back to paper? Should I pay for lj if only for the scrapbook feature and the fact I have so many damn words typed in here?


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