.... Really? ..... Fekk.

Mar 31, 2013 05:39

Oh the joys of idiocy in the US.

The police really do come round to your house at the drop of a hat.


Me: Where the fuck are K and Josh?
Housemate: Eh, Jail probably.
Me: *raises eyebrow*
Housemate: Were you asleep when the cops pounded on the door?!
Me: Er, if it was 2am -ish, yeah.
Housemate: Ah, yeah, you were out.
Me: ...?!?... Fuck.

I am gonna stab the both of them. When they get out of jail.

Especially Josh.
Or especially Kallian.
I have yet to decide.
Fuck it - they're both going to get a skillet to the head and if they ever get crazy again I will just bludgeon them.

Also I've lost my silver.
Also also I'm stealing their damn bourbon.
Also also *also* JHH didn't warn me so I hope he's giving them both a bloody headache.


hazard, gentlemen aren't nice, bitching, nights like these, sunday gentleman

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