Fashion and Feathers, good news, bad news.

Oct 25, 2012 19:14

I cleaned all the dye out of my hair today. Or at least I tried. Feathers as ever had their own ideas. There's this stuff called 'ColourB4' which is supposed to wash all the dye out of your hair and restore it to its natural (or bleached) state. Only with feathers it washed out all the pink and purple, 95% of the dark blue and 75% of the light blue. So now feathered are a very scraggy mix of pastel blues and silvers various with occasional bits of blonde-ish. Doesn't look good =( Feh. Although I suppose feathers get a C for effort.

In more fun news, I got given a suitcase full of Shanghai 1930s silk clothes. Most of them are fitted tops with voluminous trousers - sort of like a mix between these -

But with the puffed sleeves, narrow waist and peplum of these -

But the best by far... Y'know that green dress from Atonement?
Yeah. This one -

Well I have a slightly plainer authentic 1930s version in black silk.
It's floor-length and skin tight, and whilst I don't look as sylph-like as Ms Knightley, I don't look bad either. As a decade I prefer the 20s, but I admit the 30s knew how to do Elegant Sex Goddess. Kerrist, what the hell happened to people's ability to tailor? Did it get lost in the Blitz?

neurons, family

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