Things i have learnt of late...

Oct 22, 2012 13:53

❦ - Do not for the love of gods ever chew your meds by mistake. Most brackish bitter penetrating taste in the world, ever. *shudders*

❦ - Neurons? Those old jeans that are skin tight and you were wibbling about being small and fat? Read the label. They're skinny-cut size 8 - no wonder they're tight. Shut the hell up before I hit you all, you stupid shallow neurotic little bastards.

❦ - Corvids do fine on no money. Psychologically I mean. Equally they do fine on money. The times they get really grumpy and fretful is when they expected to be paid heaps of money, and then due to random circumstance they get 50p. Neurons feel cheated and grumpy and then extra grumpy 'cos it's money and money is useful but stupid and ick and we sort of hate it and so shouldn't care. *sigh* I need a House of Reconcile agent who will take all my art things away and sell them and haggle and chase; take their cut and give me the rest so I don't have to feel blah.

❦ - The goo the comes out of blisters should be clear and fluid. I'm slightly freaked when it's the colour and consistency of germ-y snot. Ah the health hazards of silversmithing. Dear gods, I need a grinder before I burn and file my fingers to the bone. (I have now completes three rings with only minor damage to my fingers.)

❦ - I discovered one of the villains in the Anthony Horowitz Holmes story in one statement, and how they were killing people in another. Also twigged the heart of the mystery as soon as it was said. Neurons feel mildly smug.

❦ - Neurons want to sew. There are some random things they want to make out of scraps I have in my fabric chest. Aaaannnd there's a project of doom they really want to start. Trouble is, this project of doom is very specific and not possible unless certain other factors align themselves correctly first. *sigh* Wanna make punk medieval things out of chiffon and leather. Waaah. Woe woe etc.

❦ - I am being a very grumbly thing. I shouldn't be. I have the Oast to myself for a few days, I have a brain that is mostly functional, I have stuff to do and interesting terrifying brilliant days ahead. *cuffs neurons round the head collectively for being whiney.*


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