When I sleep my neurons play odd games XXIII...

Aug 06, 2012 09:50

Had a dream about being in some weird metal frame disk-like structure when a tornado hit; the whole thing got ripped up and was spinning and crashing down the street. I was trying to work out *where* the best place to hold on was so the frame would act like a crash-cage rather than squash me; I was also just holding the fekk on to whatever I could ( Read more... )

litchking, dream

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spacedmonkey August 6 2012, 11:41:24 UTC
Still better than my dreams. I can do you a proper food parcel if needed with proper food rather than humbugs.


wraithwitch August 7 2012, 09:56:24 UTC
*sigh* your dreams deserve a skillet to the head.

The humbugs are slightly intimidating because for some reason my brain equates the tin with a hand grenade. No idea why really. However hobnobs are very useful both for eating and bribery, and liquorice sticks are weirdly addictive.

I should be all right for a little while thank you: I shall steal things from the oast to restock my cupboards =)

I might however need himself to telegram V in the near future depending on how deathly boring painting things is.


spacedmonkey August 7 2012, 10:38:31 UTC
Being ill seems to have exacerbated them so having spent yesterday curled up with antiquated medical journals in revolting peace and quiet I am today drowing myself in paperwork for school. Perhaps that will drown them out.

Is it the ring pull on top? Oddly, I wondered if I should remove that before I sent it to you. When Hobnobs or Liquorice sticks run out, I shall send more. But equally, if you need real things, let me know. It was a genuine offer.

Himself was only muttering last night as to whether he should round up V for you while you are at your brothers. To be honest, I think he just wants to poke around Brixton, not that he ever needs an excuse for things.


wraithwitch August 7 2012, 10:00:36 UTC
PS - eeeeep - what nameday things would please your neurons?


spacedmonkey August 7 2012, 10:38:45 UTC
I have no idea. Sorry.


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