When I sleep my neurons play odd games XXIII...

Aug 06, 2012 09:50

Had a dream about being in some weird metal frame disk-like structure when a tornado hit; the whole thing got ripped up and was spinning and crashing down the street. I was trying to work out *where* the best place to hold on was so the frame would act like a crash-cage rather than squash me; I was also just holding the fekk on to whatever I could grasp as the huge thing flipped and scythed through the city.

Crashed to a stop, everything went black. Woke up slumped against some bit of street with someone's coat covering me, feeling like my breastbone had been crushed into my spine and rather worried all my ribs were splintered. First aid girl came over and started pokking at me and determined that my internal organs hadn't been turned to soup and that my bones weren't actually about to kill me although they might be a bit fekked up. Had a lump on my head like something was looking to hatch.

Got up; everything went black again. When I opened my eyes I was in a different part of the city trying to find my way back to the street with the iron bridge where the tornado-wheel had crashed. I was also halfway through a conversation with someone and they were rather worried I was about to fall over. Wheeeeee - fugue states! Oh, and half the city was made of rust coloured canals and low wood & iron bridges. It was a bit steampunk, but more industrial and depressing.

There was also something to do with sinking boats and flooding but I don't remember enough about it.


In other news; my finances are fucked. Really. Well, they've been fucked for a while, but for the past month I've been distracted by far more interesting things so kinda forgot (in the lalala-i-can't-see-you kinda way). *sigh* Paying rent and the minimum on one's credit card on the last day possible and that cleaning you out? Bad.

On monday (possibly sooner) I disappear to my brother's flat and paint many walls and ceilings and bannisters and the like. Hopefully he'll feed me otherwise I'm going to get extremely thin. (Yes neurons, I know you quite like that idea, but the feeling sick and falling off ladders? Not so good.) A month of that should at least stop my finances being quite so fekked. Ergh.

Need all the tea in the world. Also need to do drawing. Lastly need not to get grumpy about lack of coins since it's my own bloody fault for being a mad artist in a garret.


PS: The blue dye has infected my brain and now I want super-long sapphire corpse-bride feathers. Which might explain the new icons. No neurons, we can't have dreadlocks, bugger off.

litchking, dream

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