Kallian’s dream.

Aug 08, 2012 09:40

I had two dreams last night/this morning. I had trouble explaining them when I spoke to you because the station managers had been forced into torpor by the first one. This might explain my state of non compos mentis. I could go the rest of my life with having any more dreams like these.


I could hear you calling my name from far away. I closed my eyes to concentrate on your voice, following it to where you were. I could see you lying on a stone slab with arms stretched to your sides, weeping softly as two figures stood over you; one on the right, one on the left, both leaning over blocking my view of you forearms and hands. I was not corporeal enough for them to hear my demands to leave you alone. It takes a bit of time to become solid when traveling the way I did. Suddenly the two robed figures straightened…your hands were bound to the slab; your forearms a bloody mess. You looked over at your right arm, then your left and began to sob. I was screaming. I felt as if I was on fire and buried alive both at once. The world went black and I felt like I had been hit by a truck. I was falling.

When I hit the ground the darkness all around me shattered like a large piece of obsidian struck by a bullet. I pushed myself to my feet, rage banishing the pain I felt. I set my eyes on the two figures, existing as myself and Resdon at once…that is until they bolted. Resdon shifted smoky and ethereal. Within moments he closed the distance to the two figures and burst into the world black as death, the storm around him a seething torrent of rage and fire and pain. Had I not still been able to see with his eyes and hear with his ears their screams would have been drowned by the thunder of his voice cursing them as he tore them limb from limb not 20 feet from us.

The very instant Resdon began his pursuit I rushed to you. I tore my shirt to strips and bound your wounds as best I could. There was so much blood. The two had carved a spell in to your arms marking you for their master. I kept repeating your name over and over and over. Your eyes flickered open and though you didn’t speak you called me your hazard and gave a weak smile. I could feel tears burning down my cheeks. I told you I loved so. When your eyes closed again your entire body went limp. I started to scream. First your name, then nothing resembling words. It was the sound of utter despair and loss. I screamed with the voice of myself and the man behind the black desk and all the station managers; the Pale Hall shook and cracked as the man behind the black desk smashed his fist in to the pale stone where the desk once stood; Aytch ripped his chair from its bolts in the floor and smashed the command console to bits; Arshys flew headfirst into the sun; Severon tore through the Grey Kingdom, eyes black and devoid of any feeling but rage, destroying everything in his path; Lobo knocked out all the support beams in the tavern, save one, lit a smoke, took a long pull then kicked out the last beam and brought the whole damn building down on himself; Resdon…Resdon didn’t even exist anymore. I was the storm…I was only the storm. It tore the entire dreamscape to pieces.

I woke up for a few moments at this point. I was shaky and felt ill and weak. It was enough time for me to realize it had been a dream and relief washed over me before I passed back out.


I held you in my arms as I made way up the stairs of a house that was a mix of the one I live in now and one I lived in, in San Clemente and a bit like neither. Mike was there. I laid you down on the bed. You had been asleep for two days. Not very surprising but very worrisome. Your breath was shallow but steady; thank the gods for that. We examined the spell carved into your arms; neither of us had ever seen anything like it. Suddenly the house began to shake and you started to fade. I jumped onto the bed and pushed my will out around us. It was as if I was trying to push a broken down car down a perfectly level street; not so easy to start off but became easier as time went by. Mike started throwing sigils around the room and said ‘We need to get her out of here.’ When you were solid again and the house was no longer shaking we tried to figure out where we could take you that would be safer than where we were. There is an area of Sedona called ‘The Vortex’ and I figured that this would be a good area to head to because it would mask the energy of the spell, hopefully long enough to figure out how to deal with a spell neither of us had ever seen before.

We approached a house on the outskirts of town. Mike’s parents were there; I think it was supposed to be their house. I brought you around to the back yard where Mike’s dad was and, for some reason, explained what was going on. There was a very shallow but very clear stream behind the house and for some reason Mike’s dad suggested you and I lay down in it because the soil on the edge of the river was soft enough that you would sink just below the surface but you could keep your head above the soil and water and being covered in a few inches of water and iron rich soil would help hide you. Suddenly the dream shifted.

I was standing in a room with windows all around like one would find in the lamp room of a light house. Arizona was gone. You were gone. I was all alone. I sank to the floor and tried to stare at my hands. It was not working. I slowly realized that there was some sort of contraption in the center of the room. It was clockwork and steampunky. I didn’t know what else to do so I wondered over and began to inspect it. The symbols engraved on it very closely resembled the ones that had been carved into your arms. I knew that if I could figure the mess of gears and levers and buttons that I could find you. I threw the entirety of myself into solving the puzzle. Working as fast as I could, I figured out how to remove the central disk. It was highly polished and pale gold in color and when I had it free of the rest of it (it being some kind of locked mechanism housing the disk) it began to glow. The light it emitted became a bright beam. I pointed it out the windows in front of me and slowly began to circumnavigate the room, beam of light pointed out what ever window I walked in front of. When I reached the far side of the room and the beam hit the window and it shimmered and faded. The scene before me was out of focus but I know you were there. I walked through the window and began to fall.

I was looking down from above you. You were submerged in a tub full of bloody water. There was another robed figure there. His hood was pulled back; his skin the pale lifeless color of one drained of life and heat and blood. I could barely speak. I could barely move. I was just thought and voice. The bastard was humming and trialing his finger tips in patterns through the water. I should have been furious but I was filled with an endless calm. The bastard was so sure of himself. The room was so heavily warded he was sure nothing could force its way through. He had as much undisturbed time as he liked to play with his pet. He was so sure of himself…He was wrong. He underestimated us. He underestimated our love. Most of all he underestimated you.

I was next to you under the surface of the water then. You floated there, eyes closed. I whispered to you; it seemed easier under water. ‘You need to wake up, my Witch. Only you can do this. Only you can break the illusion. Only you can take back what is yours, Darlin’.’ Your eyes opened slowly; ever so slowly. He didn’t notice. ‘That’s my girl. You see…it’s all an illusion.’ The blood in the water began to change color. It faded from dark sanguine to a muddled purple-ish color. He had closed his eyes; so very arrogant. The wounds on your wrists that seemed to be draining your life blood washed away like ink as if they were drawn on. They had been drawn on. It was part of the illusion. Though they had faded the scars of the original spell were real and remained. Your eyes were fully open now and utterly black with rage. You flicked the fingers of your right hand in a quick, sharp movement unsheathing your claws. The figure jerked his head up. For a second everything stood still as your eyes locked. There was a flash of movement. There was a great splash of water. There was his scream and there was the spray of blood as your claws raked across his face destroying his ability to see as the claw of your right hand tore through his left eye then his right. He made an attempt to get up and flee as you rose from the water. He was crawling away on hands and knees. Your kick landed at the base of the back of his skull and drove him to the floor. You retrieved your clothing from the chair it was draped over. You also retrieved a long, thin, curved blade from the table next to the chair.

At this point I began to fade from the dream. I could hear him beg and plead for Mercy. I am sure the Mercy he got was not the one he expected.

He screamed.

memory data, dream

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