The exciting life and times of Corvid...

Jan 07, 2012 21:55

The other day I was advising on the best ways to turn one's brain off so one is no longer angsting/thinking/going crazy over whatever it is. I advocated plugging one's brain into a good film, book or puzzle. Alternatively suspect narcotics, a lot of alcohol, or stabbing oneself and bleeding all over the floor - although I didn't personally endorse those last three and certainly not the end one. This got me thinking that since I haven't stabbed myself for *ages* (well, it's aeons for me, shuttup) perhaps I might risk get new bedsheets...

Neurons were surprisingly enthusiastic. They became slightly disenchanted when they discovered that fun bedlinen was only for children, adults generally have bedclothes that look like a pair of rabid curtains have vomited all over them. Still, I managed to find four sets I wasn't aesthetically allergic to (or as neurons describe them: 'Look - canvas!' 'Heee - ma'at feather floof!' 'Ha - pair of jeans!' and 'Oooh - Tardis!').
I shall see which I still approve of in a day or so and then choose one.

Yeah, I know this isn't very interesting to you lot; I'm just revelling in the novelty of not wanting to bludgeon my skull to a pulp over mundane tasks and not thinking everything is 90% pointless. La. Don't mind me =P

Oh, also I'm 8stone again. I like this. Hopefully it's not just 'cos I've had a cold and have been existing on 70% apples, 5% orange juice, 10% chocolate, 10% vodka and 5% what anyone normal would call food. Lalala.

litchking, neurons

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