Neurons Get Geeky.

Sep 15, 2011 14:08

Spent all Tuesday night feeling awful and feverish; slept for a bit at sun-up, woke at 10 feeling fine and actually interested in doing artwork. (Yeah, I was surprised too.) Did chores, got clean, cut feathers so they were less ratty, prepped art and then allowed my neurons to roam as a reward for good behaviour.

Neuron Discoveries

Lego makes keyrings of Napolionic era redcoats, of Jack Sparrow, of Indiana Jones, of an Egyptian mummy... and best of all:
Plus - CheeseApple in Lego format!
Design your own sonic screwdriver: (Yeah, one of my nights of not sleeping was spent watching Dr Who.)
And Idris, who is delightfully insane and whose clothes I want:
Lastly I found a complete copy of Reboot (anyone else know that cartoon?) and downloaded it to watch the next time I don't sleep 'til dawn.

At end of day I was fed chips by benificent flatmates, then went to play the pub quiz with Dave T. We kicked arse in every round except a music round which for some reason was worth twice as many points as everything else *sadlyfoxears*. No win for us then, but we did get a round of drinks for our name which was 'Wombles Liberation Army'. And I got to make an alien neuron tripod space explorer out of tinfoil and straws. So not all bad =P

Today I fixed my neck so it's no longer going skanky. Yey! Further chores include buying food, bludgeoning the printer into printing things correctly for me so I can get on with art things, and working out how best to clean and mend my long-suffering canvas satchel.


Had very 'Legend of the Seeker' vs 'Real Life' dreams last night. Which was weird.

Doom, quest, plot, archaic magic, damn where are my house keys?, doom, quest, plot, prophecy, oi that was my vodka, doom, quest, plot, monsters, I'm meant to be kitchen wenching at the Oast, doom, quest, etc...

At the end I was supposed to be distracting a monster to allow someone else to shoot it with an arrow. Things went a bit wrong and the archer was dragged off by the monster and eaten. I knew I couldn't kill it on my own, but also thought everyone else would be pissed off I didn't stay and fight to the death. So I got a dagger and stabbed myself in the side a couple of times figuring there'd be less bitching if I was bleeding everywhere. Comrades looked at me in utter horror when I turned up; the consensus was I was already dead but just hadn't realised it. I staggered about looking for tea-towels to staunch the blood whilst thinking, 'Damn. Fekked that up then. Funny, I don't feel dead...' And then deciding it was probably time to fall over. I woke up in the position I'd collapsed in, with one hand pressing a corner of duvet to my side.

Tsk. *rolls eyes* Pop psychology much, neurons?

litchking, neurons, meekle

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