My world contains drawings. And innards.

Jan 12, 2011 23:39

Have you ever drawn so many pairs of trousers - or shoes, sodding shoes - that all of a sudden you just have no clue how to do it any more? On your fifth pair of shoes of an afternoon and you draw something that looks like a deformed brick and honestly that's the best you can do because all your neurons have closed their eyes and are singing the 'we hate shoes' song. ... Welcome to my world - it is a sad, sad place upon occasion.


Yesterday was bloody horrible. Imagine feeling so hungry it physically hurts and you're concentrating intently on not falling over or throwing up. Eating doesn't help. Imagine this goes on all day and has been happening for a couple of days before that too. Now imagine you've got a lot of stuff to do. Bleh. Last night I drank laudanum and told my innards very sternly to stop it. To my surprise they have 90% complied. Laudanum's great =)


There aren't any pictures of Nicholas Farrell on the net. Well, there are. About five, two of which are of use but far too small. This is a pain. I want to use him as reference for a drawing. Internet, you have failed me. ... Then again a lot of my neurons are singing the 'we hate shoes' song with their eyes closed and refusing to draw anything ever again, so maybe the loss isn't that great.

neverwhere, neurons

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