"Well I'll be damned

Feb 15, 2010 01:31

Here comes your ghost again
But that's not unusual
It's just that the moon is full
And you happened to call..."

Silly Day is, well, silly. People in love shouldn't require a specific day to try to be nice to eat other. And people not in love don't feel that great being reminded they're not in love. Blah.

However. I had a nice Shamblyland evening last night watching House with Matt, and I got a rather kick arse T-shirt gifted to me which I'll show off when the temperature isn't sub-zero in my room.

Today I drew some Grim art before deciding it really was too cold for my fingers and brain to work and therefore writing a bunch of tatty Holmes fictionwas the thing to do instead. After that I went to say hi to Gina and Dave - there's a film called Quantum Apocalypse. And yeah, it really is that bad, if not worse.

I have shinies. They are very shiny. And I'm greatly tired, slightly drunk and utterly unable to type.

The end. =)

gentlemen aren't nice, litchking

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