Hello World...

Apr 30, 2006 13:12

I dyed my feathers red. They look strange, but in a not-bad way. (As opposed to the attempt to dye them purple which just looked like I'd slept in the damp and half my feathers had rusted.)

I have head-pain today. Bleh. I fear for my neurons and the amount of neurofen I have fed them recently.

Yesterday a Wolf and I went to Richmond. The fey shop was open and full of furniture. I texted my dad, trying to be all helpful and ask if he wanted some battered but good antique stuff for 30quid for the office-which-is-becoming-a-bedroom. My parents duly turned up to investigate. And somehow - I'm not sure how - I ended up buying a chest of draws and my dad bought an oak wing-gate table for me. He seemed to want to buy the chairs that went with it too, but I stopped him because he doesn't have the money and I don't have the room.

Yesterday Katie ate our supper. She was also aggrieved because someone had stolen her phone. Naturally she didn't ring the phone company to inform them, nor did she inform my father - and he is the one who pays her phone bills. On these such occasions I am tempted to brain her with the bread board.

Today is the day of stupid customers. Or annoying ones at any rate. They all seem to want to buy one card (£1.75), pay with a £20 note and demand a carrier bag to put it in. *sigh*

I should write more script. I'm having random ideas for film #2 and #3 now. Also, thanks to my Wolf asking why a certain psychotic shadow wasn't in the script whilst every other fekker was, Cheeseapple is now included. Kinda. Heeheeheehee. Oh how it amuses my neurons.

On that subject, should anyone have any characters I have met from their demented brains which they would like included somehow in the trilogy, drop me a note and I'll see what I can do =)

I have two new icons. I should make more. Need to find some shiney but raven-looking pics...


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