(no subject)

May 01, 2006 22:07

have been tidying and sorting.
will put a load of stuff on ebay tomorrow.

there are two items of clothing i wear a hell of a lot. one is a black slip dress. the other is a short-cropped black jumper.
both have gone missing. i haven't seen the slip dress since last autumn.

have just gone into my sister's room to get all the 'to sell' stuff i stashed there in an empty chest of draws.
have found my slip dress on the floor amongst her general clothes-grenade explosion of a room.

occasionally i would quite like to bludgeon my sister over the head.

not because she takes my stuff.

but because if i ever asked for it back or revealed i had found it in her room, i would get the following:

"i don't have it why you asking me why d'you think i've got your stupid stuff stop hassling me god i don't have it leave me alone why would i have it i don't want your stupid st.... you've been in my room you've been in my room thats so out of order do you think it's right yeah to just swan in and take whatever you want cos like you're so queen of your little world and you got everything fine just take some shit i don't care it's not yours fine take everything you're so messed up don't make up some excuse yeah....."

and so on ad infinitum.

i'm always quite happy living in my room in my parent's house until my sister runs into trouble and out of money and comes back home to stay.


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