Uulaa, principles of bushido, shinies and wine...

Apr 27, 2006 14:06

On Monday Rain came round and much wine was drunk.
Stuff was wibbled and ranted and oddly for reasons I don't understand the word 'titz' was scrawled a lot.
Rain? *pokes you with a stick*
Can you tell me the Czech (medieval or modern) for 'saints watch over you' or 'god guide your journey' or something?

On tuesday I went with my mother to Richmond and wandered about the place looking in shops. I found a dress and a jacket I liked, but each was roughly three times the amount of my budget. sigh. In the end we went to a very cool little jewellers on richmond hill and bought a chunky silver ring each. I got home feeling quite pleased because I had a new shiney and I had let my mother have some of my money on the sly. Once home my mood slipped down several notches as neurons decided I shouldn't have bought a stupid ring I should have let my mother spend all the money and just lied lots and said I'd get something later. Meh.
Felt ill and blongey and not at all like accompanying a Wolf to see the stage show of War of the Worlds. Somehow changed my mind at the last minute and hauled arse out of the house and over to Wembley.

War of the Worlds was generally shiny, they had a giant tripod on stage as well as a giant Richard Burton head!

Wednesday was getting up early in hatfield for work in kew. Also it was rescuing a tiny caterpillar from Wolf's coat and then desperately needing to find a leaf to put it on ('cos I couldn't bear to just drop it on the ground - despite it being just a tiny wriggly speck of green - neurons like caterpillars.) Work was busy and involved sweeping the skanky shop carpet with a broom and rescuing an irate bee. (Neurons like bees too - they're floofy.)

Last night I saw Night Watch. It was odd, and not really what I thought it would be. Some bits very good, others just very odd and slightly confusing.

Today I died my feathers (purple, supposedly). My nails and fingertips are violet. My feathers are still predominantly black, apart from strange patches which have decided they wish to be a vivid rust. Feh. *wonders what to do now*

A Raven's life in general: When I am in Hatfield with a Wolf and writing script, my neurons are happy. When I am in Kew, due to the absence of a Wolf and the presence of my sister, writing becomes impossible and levels of blongeiness and depression rise sharply.


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